merah oi

in photography •  7 years ago 


“Immature love says:

“I love you because I need you” Love is ripe said:

“I need you because I love you”

“Cinta yang belum matang berkata:

“Aku cinta kamu karena aku butuh kamu” Cinta yang sudah matang berkata:

“Aku butuh kamu karena aku cinta kamu”

Because Love that will give color to their lives “

Karena Cinta itu akan memberikan warna bagi kehidupannya”

“Love is a very big sometimes can make us unable to love again”

“Cinta yang teramat besar kadang dapat membuat kita tak bisa mencintai lagi”

“Love …

If you have it, you do not need anything else

And if you do not have it, whatever else you do not have a lot of meaning “

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