Do cats have logic? My cats top 3 cat logic explained! 探索Top3的喵逻辑。

in photography •  8 years ago  (edited)




This is my daughter Furby, she's a Persian Chinchilla girl. In 2 months, she'll be 1 years old! She likes Sailor Moon and eating tasty meats. Furby was born in Somerset which is about 250km from London, it took me about 8 hours in the car to bring her back. Here's our first selfie together ! Below is her show time!

这是我的可爱女儿Furby, 她是金吉拉波斯的女孩子。还有差不多2个月她就满1岁了。她喜欢美少女战士和吃肉肉。她出生在离伦敦250公里Summer Somerset,我把她接回伦敦的时候花了8个小时车程,这是我刚刚接到她的照片。Our first selfie。 下面是她秀颜值时间。




At home, have you ever noticed your Furry friend display some alien tendencies? Have you ever doubted their alien like personality? Actually, it's just them teaching you their strange "cat logics".




Cat Logic No.1 - A Cats Lie

Just like a human, Furby loves to lie down..

喵逻辑NO.1 猫咪躺


Cats lie down because they are telling you they love you. The underside belly is the most vulnerable and tender part of their body. By lying down and letting you see and touch their belly, they are being open to you, telling you that they trust you.


Cat Logic No.2

Furby loves to climb on top of things, chairs and iPads. Basically things that I use frequently. She does this because these frequently used objects have a strong smell of their owner, which for a newly arrived little kitten, gives a lot of security.



Cat Logic No.3 - Computer Keyboard

喵逻辑NO.3 电脑键盘猫


Furby loves to come sit on the computer keyboard or sit infront of the computer monitor when my attention is not on her. The only thing I can do is to pick her up and pet her, give her a good rub and massage. Actually, even when i'm not around, she loves to go on the computer and write some articles too. (Looks like Furby is very suited to using steemit, maybe when she is older she'll set up her own account and post some cat wisdom..) Sometimes when i'm not at home, Furby will use skype to initiate a video call or send some messages to me.


This is Furby's essay in the making


So, Furby's cat logic has taught us a few things :

  1. Cats like keyboards and computers because of their warmth. Cats body temperatures are slightly higher than humans at around 38-39 degree's C. Because of their higher body temperature, cats are more sensitive to changes in heat and, they are not that good at adapting to temperature change. So, they like to find warm places to rub and grind against. Kind of like girls and their heat patches.
  2. Cat's second logic is of course all about getting the attention of their owner. Raising a cat from a young age usually after they are weaned (8-12 weeks) means that they have a big reliance on you as an owner from a young age. Even though cats are known for being independent, they still require your attention much of the time. So, when they see you fixate your attention at a screen for so long, they want to steer that attention towards them. Acknowledging them and giving them a good petting will make them very happy indeed.
  3. Because the keys on a keyboard move quickly as you type, to a cat, it looks like a game! They are sensitive to things like the sounds the keyboard make. For instance, some cats really love chasing laser pens, or toy mice that make noise. Cats probably consider these noises to be like the ones little critters make, and they have an insatiable instinct to catch them. If you spend some time playing with your cats when they get this urge, it'll save you potentially damaging your computer!

Cats are unable to understand keyboards just like humans are unable to understand the universe. Humans will explore the world and solve problems to get a sense of achievement and existence. In the same way, cats also get a sense of achievement and existence through tapping on keys, listening to their sounds, feeling the warm of the computer, and seeing the light come through the screen.







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Understanding cat logic, humans have invented the anti-cat keyboard cover table, genius!



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The belly and the pink paws are just cuteness overload.



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Using the iPad and Keyboard together is now possible!



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Clever cats will find a way around this very quickly.
Lie in front of the keyboard table, then they can't type!


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Lie between the keyboard table and the monitor, and kick the keyboard out!


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Since cats are so quick to figure out ways round our keyboard table invention, we discovered the best way to keep them at bay, is put a box by your screen, they will snuggle up inside it. Afterall, what cats don't like boxes??


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when you see @sweetsssj make new post on steemit 8]

As a general rule, i upvote cat posts on sight =)

The cat I posted before says hi too though its only half awake.

Cool Article!

Nice article and cute owner of Furby)))

I also like cats)):

(credit to 1theK)

I liked your photos, thank you!Nice job!

Beautiful cat and interesting article.

Cats are using interesting tactics right here, true evolution in action. Cats goal is to get their owners attention from the tech and to pet them. Evil or they care for our well being. Hard to tell :)

很可爱 ! And that's a funny article

Meow meow! We should be friends! (=^.^=)

I love cats :D

The cat logic are all very true, lol... Are you planning to adopt another cat in China?

Hopefully, I will expand my cat family in China one day. I can't live wihout cats..

Never did I expect to read something so comprehensive about domestic cat behaviours xD

Oh, but I guess since nearly everybody has cats, it's easy to relate to !

Haha, nice humourous bits in between.

Nice article, I like cats!

cute cats. cool!

Cute cat

Thankfully our cat is not into sitting on my keyboard. Mind you, she is an old lady of 18.

I've discovered that you have to be wary when a cat is on their back. If you go to stroke they can attack your hand. I learnt that the hard way ;)

Haha, i've found that they do like a bit of rough play and lie on their stomach waiting for you to stroke them, then they attack you!

Cat logic: you keep a dog, but you don't keep a cat - a cat keeps you.


Beautiful cat and interesting article. My Siamese is at my keyboard much of the time I am.

I see the siamese have the same sneaky cat logic as furby does!



谢谢分享。Furby 太漂亮啦!我的猫跑丢了我伤心死了,到现在还是不能有猫怕再次伤到。记得你是在北京,那furby也在北京吗?还是伦敦?


Cool cats! My cat took off for a couple days and came back. I wonder what she did for those two days? Secret life? lol :)

What a cutie!