Cute mouse on my foot

in photography •  7 years ago 

This is a picture of a mouse on my foot. If you like the picture and don’t want backstory stop reading if you do want backstory keep reading.

Every day before school I walk up to my neighbors house and she gives me a ride to school.

One day when I was walking to her house. I almost step on a mouse. I look down and see the mouse. And from knowing wild animals I just thought that it would run away. But it did not.

I kneel down next to the mouse and I see that the mouse is a little baby and it’s standing in the middle of the road. I wounder why it’s not running away. I know it’s alive because it’s jumping around this little dirt pile.

But then I notice that it is not dancing around a dirt pile. It’s dancing around another mouse. And since I figured that it was a baby the first thing I was it was it’s Mom.

I feel so sad I want to cry. It’s waiting for it’s mom to come, but she’s never coming. I remember that it is Friday and I think oh it’s forest Friday. (My class goes to the woods every Friday.)

I get out my lunch take a container throw the cucumbers on the ground and get the mouse in the container.

When we get to school I show my teacher and she says don’t tell anyone that you have it. And we will put it in the woods later.

Later when we get to the woods we let it go. But for some reason instead of running away into a whole it comes back and jumps on my foot. I love to think that the mouse was somehow was thanking me with that jump.

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I don't like mice but that is a pretty cute face!

Yeah I don’t like rats but Mice are ok for me.

Was the mouse that it was dancing around a dead one? You think its mother was dead?

Yes. It wasn’t really dancing it was more jumping around and waiting.

Aw man, well, hope s/he finds a cozy warm hole out there. I probably wouldn't have taken it so far from home - you already live in the woods! Every day is Forest Friday! But it was kind of you to try to help it.

