RE: Panorama: Lake Klopein / Klopeinersee

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Panorama: Lake Klopein / Klopeinersee

in photography β€’Β  6 years agoΒ 

Cool you found and used yours :)
thats a good idea to put them in different places I will do that right now, more chance of finding one next time I am looking

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... or you find none ;) lol

well if that is the case then I will have 5 of them LOL

I shouldn't have mentioned that ;) lol

LOL but your idea should work, I have four drawers with cables and bits and pieces now I have a water bottle in 3 of them and one in my camera bag, so next time I look in spring next year I should find one

Having just thought that through I may be wrong, if we move before spring lOL

Good morning JJ, yes, it might work, but I think, that I would not do it though.

I like it when things are neatly sorted. Things that belong together are also in the same drawer ... at least for a while after I have cleaned up, such a drawer looks really nice, and then I take things out, add things ... and after a while it looks really messy, until I clean up next time ... and so on.

You said, when you move to a new place you want to have a separate space or room for your photography stuff. I think this will solve the problem, because there you will have all together, and not one drawer here, one there, one box in the bedroom, one in the cellar - I am speaking for myself, of course ;)

I am the same with starting off with organized spaces but I quickly migrate to what my wife sometimes calls organized chaos πŸ˜‚ which is kind of accurate I work better with chaos I just admit and same with my workspaces both at work and at home if they are to organized and tidy and I don’t know if this makes sense but a clear desk causes my mind to wonder all over the place whereas with a bit of clutter around me I can focus better on things

I hope your week is starting well


Hello JJ, organized chaos, yes, I like that :)

Last week, a cleaning lady cleaned my desk and piled up all the papers I had spread around the table. She did not know that this is how I sort my tasks and work.

Yes, my week started quite well, and the first day is nearly over, while yours has just started ;)

Organized chaos works for me, now that I am in a new space my space is more organized, but I used to have papers and such on my desk, along with a BIG BOLD noted= advising the cleaner not to touch my desk space LOL
SO far my day is going well very productive meetings and now following up on them