Trying out my Nikkor 30-700mm lens

in photography •  7 years ago 

Today I went out and took some photos with my Nikkor 30-700mm Lens. For inquiring minds I shoot with a Nikon D3400
I really want a better lens so I can get even better pictures of these dragonflies. Though the ones from today are common ones we have around here. We have some rare dragonflies in the area at Mounds State Park. There are two rare species that make their home there at that Park. I hope to capture picture of them some time in the future. Hopefully I will have a better lens by then to capture them with.

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I know these are not huge or anything but normally with other cameras I have used you can't even see them. I am so excited they are this big, can't wait to get more lens.
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As we were leaving the area to go to another area we drove by the Falls Park.( I made a post about that park you can find it here ) We noticed how full Falls Creek was and I had to stop to take a few photos. I took way more than I am sharing here. But I love the way the water falls over the rocks.




I hope you enjoyed today's choices on the photos I shared today.

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Very nice series.

I am liking the photos I have been able to take so far with it. Still have a lot to learn about the camera and about photography but I am loving learning all about it

Great shots. What I like to do with water is use a long shutter speed on a tripod. It smooths out the water and looks dreamlike. I got a couple of macro extension rings from ebay for macro photography. Only cost about $10 for my Sony Emount lens but they really work. I don't do alot of macro but a few years ago I wrote a picture book with shots of mineral specimens. I only had a Sony point and shoot camera and it was tough to get good shots of the quartz crystals etc. Flower are easy enough but insect are tricky. Catching one sitting still long enough to get a picture is a real feat.

I just recently started this as a hobby to fill time so I wouldn't go crazy but I am loving it. I just ordered a tripod from Amazon, and plan to get other lens. I can't wait to experiment more and learn more.

I got tired of running out of space on my phone - got a point and shoot for about $100. Got tired lack of control and no viewfinder to compose. Found a Sony A3000 in Walmart for $160. Amazon and Ebay are great sources of gear for minimal money. But don't worry too much about getting gear. Go out with what you have. Especially if you have interesting settings like looks like you do. I watch a number of photography video on Youtube. Especially Tony and Chelsea Northrup and a British landscape photographer Thomas Heaton. Always inspiring and challenges me take more pictures and try to get better. It is a blast when you think you got the picture and then you load it into you computer and really look at it and - there it is .

I first by a cheap point and shoot Kodak it sucked batteries drained so quickly you were lucky to get 5 photos, then I got another cheap on but a better one that I had used but they were low quality pictures compared to what I have now.
My daughter earlier this year took photography in school so for her 18th birthday we got her a Nikon D3600 and I did her prom pictures on it and it made me want a nice camera. So recently I went back to the camera shop and scored a great deal on my camera. I needed something to fill the time, as with my daughter graduating and leaving for college and my son a year away from that himself. I have way too much time on my hands and was getting bored..

Years ago I shot 35mm film. Back then you got about 30 shots and you had to change film. I changed the battery on my Pentax once a year. Now with digital you don't have to change the cards but you change the batteries. Battery life is getting better on the cameras as the manufactures are improving the energy efficiency of the new camera. But I can buy Sony batteries on ebay for about $10 so I just take extra and make sure they are charged.

I could never afford a camera back in those days but I do have like 30 some disable cameras I need to have developed from back in those days, but those were like the cheap point and shoot cameras of today with quality

And the battery on this Model is awesome I can get like 1200 pictures before having to change.

My battery life on my Sony is ok. But the issue is storage! I can shoot thousands of pics on a 64G card. I have a 2TB hard drive. Honestly most of the pics get deleted but if I every start doing 4k video I will run of space. I still old Kodak and Poloroid cameras that my parents had. Some people collect those things.

I do have a poloroid camera I forgot about that the film got so expensive that I stop using it