Light Trail Photography #8: Stormy Night Light Trails

in photography •  7 years ago 



I was so thankful for these light tail shots that I got tonight! They are far from my best, but today was a day that nothing went right. I have been waiting for months to have a good thunderstorm so I could try to get some lightning shots. Today we finally got not only one thunderstorm but two, one in the afternoon and one at sunset. I went out to shoot both of them and walked away soaking wet and without a single decent shot of lightning.

On top of getting soaking wet twice, my photo editor (Adobe Lightroom) decided to crash whenever I attempted to import photo's and it seemed like most the people close to me wanted to argue or piss me off lol.

With determination I stuck with it and got not only a couple of decent light trail shots, but also got these two below. A view of the evening thunderstorm moving in and one of a rainbow that started, but never fully developed.



If any of you photographer steemians have any hints on how to get good shots of lightning, giving some hints in the comments would be awesome!

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