Steel Wool Photography #3: Abandoned Train Factory

in photography •  6 years ago  (edited)

We went out for a wander last night to see what we could get up to and shoot. After a few hours of having no success, just some great ideas that didn't pan out. We decided to hit a location that we have been to a few times before. An abandoned train factory, that is so old the beams in some area's are wood.

On this visit, rather then shooting the building we had steel wool on the mind!



The shots turned out even better then I expected! Those two spots in the factory were two of many options. Our first idea was a room that had been used as the set for a TV show. The room had been turned into an area of a spaceship.




We decided not to spin the steel wool in the spaceship because although the door look solid, they are hollow and rotting wood.

When spinning steel wool you must pay attention to any fire hazards and always have water on hand. If you don't you are bound to end up with a fire, we learned that a hard way. Spinning on an abandoned train bridge. Some bush caught fire. Thankfully it was small and we got water on it right away.

The factory really is a historic building and a great place to explore/shoot. I'll end this post with a few shots and a 360 video of it.




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looks amazing

Great pictures! were was this train factory? The steel wool indeed has a nice way of illuminating the room, nice touch.