My Macro Photography

in photography •  7 years ago  (edited)

Indonesia :

Hallo steemian hari ini saya ingin membagikan beberapa koleksi foto macro yang saya punya.

pada postingan kali ini saya ingin share foto foto macro, yang saya ambil dari xiaomi redmi 4 prime dengan lensa macro universal clip. saya ingin terus belajar fotografi sampai menjadi ahli

English :

Hallo steemian today I want to share some photo collection of macros that I have.

In this post I want to share macro photo, which I took from xiaomi redmi 4 prime with universal macro clip lens. I want to continue studying photography to become an expert.






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Great Post and Work!!! Upvoted, Follow me and I Follow Back!! Regards!!


Usaha yg bgs :)

Thanks , harus banyak belajar lagi

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