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Amazing place, i wish im living in this of place. Away from the busy traffic in the city and a bit close to nature.

it's just the park not busy with traffic. The city is quite crowded.

Great shot! Nice job!

thank you :)


yes, it's beautiful. perfect for chillaxing :)

Got my sub :)

lol right

Wonderful :) Why do you hate the D3000 btw? I own a D3300 which I really like.

"but who would build the artificial lakes without the government!"

Because it's not mine and i don't know how to use it properly hahahaha

Absolutely gorgeous, friend! I'm writing a story as we speak :D

don't forget to send it to me for a read :)

Cool photos!

thank you again :)

Thank you for these amazing photos, seems like a great place to enjoy a smoke or a picnic.

that's true :)

I know that place very well, you should love that camera ;)

the place is nice. but the camera arghhh. i dont have the one that our mutual friend own. I took that nikon from another friend.