Something our Australian friends are all too familiar with and something we experience every summer are bush fires. Except ours are almost always on the mountain slopes .... as the flat lands around the Western Cape are generally cultivated (vineyards, wheat and olive groves and deciduous fruits predominantly)
I took this last night from over 35 kilometres away (25 miles roughly)
Just an appropriate track to listen to while admiring the amazing smoky sunrise I experienced this morning.
Fire - Pointer Sisters
This morning I was treated to the most spectacularly colorful sunrise imaginable. I know there are quite a few of them but the sky was changing continuously
I did absolutely no color editing at all, just cropped and resized to make the images smaller. The first three or four I had the camera on 'AUTOMATIC', then I started playing with shutter speeds and aperture values manually.
A cup of fire - also taken last night !!
There are quite a few more but they are starting to be a bit repetitive as I only had one vantage point to take photographs from.... one more then we are done.
As always, thanks for stopping by all 2 of you and thanks for the continued support. Is appreciated.