Sunrise Visitor..We are not Alone

in photography •  5 years ago  (edited)


I woke up just as the sun started coming up and what a treat watching the sun rising in all it's glory as I normally do.


I haven't had any orb visitors that photo bombed my snapshots since I moved into my cabin in the sky, so you can only imagine how I felt when this beautiful orb decided to make it's presense visible! Such a wonderful feeling just knowing that they are still out there looking out for me.

I hope you enjoy this as much as I am. 😍

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Beautiful sunrise photos. I love sunrise photos and sunset photos. Nature is wonderful

Yes it is amazing and always changing.

Yes I did enjoy your sunrise!!! I always enjoy such scene since it reflects a new day beginning to unfold... We have plenty of sunrise in our winter refuge in Andalucia and I mjust love seeing them at breakfast. Thanks for sharing!

You are most welcome. I love sitting on my deck watching the sunset colors changing above the ocean to. The perfect relaxation after a busy day.