This week I did a shoot for a local company where they wanted some social media images. In the past their photos have been very posed, stock, and artificial, so my goal here was to create something more candid and authentic that would be a good fit for the company's Instagram feed.
I drove around the countryside exploring locations and found this one about an hour and a half away, got some models, gear, and shot for two hours as the sun was setting. I really wanted to keep the light natural, so I didn't use any flashes. I had the light from the fire, the light from the sky, and the light from my lantern to work with, and what really gives the images life is the difference in color between the light sources. Had I lit this with strobes, the color would have been consistent all the way around, unless I gelled the lights to mimic the natural light sources. That all seems like too much work for too little reward, and at the risk of betraying the authenticity of the images, and disturbing the other campers at the campsite.
Here are just a few of the shots:
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