
in photography •  6 years ago 


“Life is so beautiful, I want to enjoy it and want to be with you because my heart just need your heart”

“Hidup itu begitu indah, aku ingin menikmatinya dan ingin hanya bersamamu karena hatiku butuh hatimu”

“God created two hearts in a different body but united For, as my heart and the heart lah”

“Tuhan menciptakan dua hati di tubuh yg berbeda tetapi utk bersatu, seperti hatiku dan hatimu lah”

“Love you, affectionate, loyal and nostalgic moments away, is an herb flavor boosters all between me and you”

“Cinta itu kamu, kasih sayang, setia dan rindu saat jauh, adalah ramuan penguat semua rasa antara aku dan kamu”

“We, the two are mutually give and take, mutual fix and heal”

“Kita, dua yang saling memberi dan menerima, saling memperbaiki dan menyembuhkan”

“In every inch of air, will always pinned my love and affection, hope you can inhale”

“Di setiap jengkal udara, akan selalu ku sematkan cinta dan kasih sayang, berharap kamu dapat menghirupnya”

“Looking at you, do not take long For me to know and understand that my job is to love you”

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