Kings Park, NY, USA

in photography •  7 years ago 


       Many teenagers growing up on Long Island are so fond of this erie, beautiful piece of land. Kings Park, New York, founded in 1885 was built outside of Smithtown. Over 880 acres of land dedicated to a community of, "sickness".  1 out of 3 Psychiatric Hospitals on long island at the time. It was the largest of its kind. with over 150 buildings. The community became self sufficient. So sufficient, they had built there own railroads to deliver tools and supplies to help fire the ever burning flame of this magnificent relic of time.

          This hospital was built for the purpose of preventing overcrowding in the surrounding mental institutions. When first opened, "Kings Park Lunatic Asylum", housed only 55 patients. 10 years later New York State declared K.P.L.A. was wasting resources. They took over, renaming the place Kings Park Psychiatric Center. By only 1900, K.P.P.C. was housing 2,697 patients, and 454 staff members. This made the Center's population greater than the population of the bordering town, Smithtown.  

         Fast forward to 1954, K.P.P.C.'s population had grew to a staggering 9,300 patients. With so many patients housed on this giant piece of state owned land, The establishment began to fail at most that it was supposed to achieve. With things going down hill, and population depleting due to psych medications. Kings Park could no longer sustain and after 111 years, they finally shut there doors for good. 1996 only 1 year after i was born. Many patients were transferred to Pilgrim State Psychiatric center(formerly known as Pilgrim State Hospital), and Central Islip Psychiatric Center. There were also many halfway houses built around these buildings, who's inhabitants still live there to this day.

        Sometimes I think to myself, it must be weird being a piece of that history. What many called home, I found dark and disturbing every visit. I'm sure many of you are fond of the term lobotomies. Also of the term, electric shock treatment. These days the grounds of K.P.P.C. are watched and guarded by P.S.P.C.(Pilgrim State), and the Suffolk County Police Department. During the day its something like a state park/museum. You're allowed to walk directly on the property as well as up to the buildings. But it is highly illegal to trespass into these buildings. This is why we went during the night time! ;). 
         Am I mad you might ask? No, but peer pressure was a bitch when I was 16. Fair warning to anyone who enters these buildings. It can be highly dangerous if you enter these buildings without the proper respiratory equipment being that most of them are ridden with lead paint dust and asbestos. stupidly my first time there I had no respiratory protection. I will say, this place is not for the faint hearted, as its buildings carry very dark pasts. (if you believe in that kind of stuff).

        The building in the above picture is building 93. Standing at over 200ft. This 13 story monster is the tallest on site. And it was the first building I entered discovering this place. Walking up the caged stairs to the roof was so bone-chilling. I had my hands on my best mans back the entire way up. It was so dark, I felt as if i was staring into pure blackness. And so quiet you can here your own thoughts. the light drafts traveling through the hallways lifted the hair on the back of your neck.  as you point your flashlight in different rooms you see beds with sheets still on, chains, straight jackets. Small solitary confinement rooms made you wonder how someone can stay alive in it. I have no doubt in my mind that there is a different kind of darkness in the place. A darkness with a long, torturous history. Yet trip would go down as one of my favorite childhood memories. the feeling of being truly scared. Facing such fears. You cannot compare some rinky dink haunted house to this experience. To anyone on long Island,or anyone visiting. I suggest you at least drive there just to see what its all about. the exploration is up to. I will end this entry here. But stay tuned for more about this beautiful piece of history.
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cool you got this pic especially if you risked getting trespassing ticket!

Actually photography is allowed outside of the buildings during the daytime

cool glad you didnt have to take a big risk but this is a great photo!

Kings park scarrrrrry tell them about your scary ghost encounter babe