RE: Monochrome Monday - Up

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Monochrome Monday - Up

in photography •  7 years ago 

Very interesting concepts about looking up @peter-parker I definitely think you are onto something here. We adopt tunnel vision mentality when the eyes of our spirits hover too long over circumstances that don't appear to change for the better. It's very important to look beyond; to change our perspectives and to look up. Dark clouds dissipate eventually and are inevitably replaced with light fluffy clouds which part in the presence of radiant sunshine. When I looked at your image above, I saw a young innocent boy entranced by the wonder of those manmade water features on either side of him. He'd probably never seen anything like it before and in his absorption, he forgot about his bare feet, his childhood fears and insecurities and was lost in the moment. Yes, Peter, its high time I took a leaf out of this little boys book, kick off my shoes and go and stand in the middle of a water fountain to cool down in the midst of our summer heat and ignore the frowns of my grey haired contemporaries. Great advice!

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Sorry Lady for my bad English.
I built huts in the woods and played with Indians and Cowboys with my brother...
Where there was the wood and the stream, now there is cement!
Best wishes, R from Switzerland

A gray jungle @ant-man;)

Beautiful comment @trudeehunter, thank you! Go ahead, be a child, I'm all for it;)

Ok. I will @peter-parker And if anyone frowns at me, I'll shrug a nonchalant shoulder at them and say, "Peter made me do it!" (: