Hunting The Photo!!!Finally I'm Found Wonderfull Sunset

in photography •  8 years ago  (edited)

Hi Stemians

Kali ini saya ingin membagikan foto yang berhasil saya abadikan menggunakan kamera handphone Sony Xperia Z Ultra.

Foto ini memang saya ambil tepatnya 2 tahun lalu yaitu tanggal 4 Juni 2015, tapi sepertinya masih layak saya bagikan kepada rekan rekan stemians karena keindahannya.

Foto ini berupa keindahan alam yaitu sunset yang belum tentu setiap orang mendapatkan momen yang begitu luarbiasa seperti ini.

Keindahan alam sunset ini saya temukan di Pantai Bertaria Kassi, Kabupaten Jeneponto, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia.

Perpaduan warna yang terlihat sangatlah sesuai, memang ciptaan Tuhan tiada bandingannya.

Beruntunglah setiap manusia yang dapat menyaksikannya tanpa bayaran sedikitpun.

Terima Kasih sudah bersedia melihat hasil karya saya yang sederhana ini.

Best Regards


Hi Stemians

This time, I want to share the photos I managed to capture using Sony Xperia Z Ultra mobile phone camera.

This photo I took exactly 2 years ago that is June 4, 2015, but it seems still worth my share to colleagues stemians because of its beauty.

This photo is a natural beauty that is sunset that not necessarily every person to get such a moment extraordinary like this.

The beauty of this sunset nature I found in Pantai Bertaria Kassi, Jeneponto Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.

The combination of colors that look very appropriate, God's creation is incomparable.

Fortunately every human being who can watch it without paying a bit.

Thank you for seeing my simple work.

Best Regards



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Wow, that is a beautiful shot!

Im still learn about photography

Amazinggggggggggggggggg picture! check my sunset I just posted! Followed!

Thanks bro

That is amazing. You should get that framed. I would buy it.

How much

It is wonderful

Thanks @ggracie

That photo is exceptional and spectacular such amazing radiant colors of sunset

Thanks for your comment to my

Sungguh luar biasa pemandangan pantai itu, ini cocok untuk diikutkan kontes fotografi

Bagaimana kalau kita hunting langsung kesana

Very nice picture. The light on the water is perfect.

Thanks for your support

Mantap banget!!

Yuk kita hunting lagi yang kayak begini


Terima Kasih