Veteran car - Skoda 1000 MB from 1966 still in daily use

in photography •  8 years ago 

in South America.
We were not able to believe that it is possible, but we met this car on the street of Cochabamba, Bolivia in 2014
Look at the glass made in 1966. As veteran for fun, no problem, but as family car?

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Wow love these old cars and bikes especially in unmolested condition!

Interesting car. it looks like the engine is also air cooled and at the back like an old VW!!

Engine at the back but water cooled.

I cant imagine how this car was imported to this country. Im from Czechoslovakia where it was made.

Věděli by to v MOTOKOVU, ten ovšem už neexistuje. Devizy byly potřeba a věci z Československa se prodávaly levně. Nebyl jen jeden devizový kurz, ale několik, podle toho, čeho se to týkalo. Kdo nepamatuje nevěří.
Mohlo to být i tak, že vzali nějakou surovinu z Jižní ameriky protiúčtem. Nevím, nejsem odborník na historii soc. pézetek. Záhadu bych v tom ale nehledal.