in photography •  7 years ago 

Take a photograph with a digital camera in 8 steps.

1.Turn on the digital camera. Make sure you have a good battery.

2.Find the subject. Try to observe something interesting can be a person, a place, an object

3.Make sure the lighting is adequate. If you're indoors, you'd better use flash

4.Make sure you fill the box. Make the subject occupy the entire photo. Unnecessary space can cause your subject's emphasis to be lost.

5.Keep the perspective in mind. Observe something and try to take a picture with unique angles (they are always interesting)

6.Avoid trembling hands. Shaky cameras make blurred photos.

7.Take the picture. Use stability, adjust, and take the desired picture.

8.Check your photo You may want to take some other photos to ensure quality and satisfaction, so do not be frustrated if your photos do not go well on the first try.

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