Graveyard of ships (Part 2). Stories and beautiful, amazing photos.

in photography •  8 years ago  (edited)

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Graveyard of ships (Part 2). Stories and beautiful, amazing photos.

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Once these ships scoured the sea, and now quietly sleeping and dreaming about the sea space, terrible storms, about the hectic harbors and marvelous islands. Their secrets excite our imagination and the power of strikes - that if they wake up again and sail towards the sea breeze?

Swedish leader of the 16th century.

In the Baltic Sea, 10 nautical miles from the island of Öland, resting 107-gun "Mars" - the largest ship of the 16th century. March 31, 1564 the ship sank, suffering the attack three enemy ships. They searched for him with a 60-ies of the last century.

Fishing boat on a deserted island Chatham (New Zealand).

On the tiny islands of the archipelago Chatham only 600 inhabitants. The local life is not changed much since the 18th century, when it was discovered. It is a life in harmony with the sky, the sea and the wind. The inhabitants of these islands ply exclusively fishing. A ship ghost, in his time faithfully served mariners, and today if silently rushes on waves.

Sunken boat in Antarctica.

Quite eerie sight - Brazilian ship that crashed in Ardley Bay.
Brazilians filming a documentary, but because of the strong winds and violent waves they had to abandon ship. Since the vessel lies under water

A mysterious ghost ship, United States.

The yacht to watch on the Atlantic coast, on behalf of the Circle Line Wee, built in Wilmington in 1902. In the same year it was lowered into the water, and for 80 years she managed different owners. In 1984, the ship found abandoned not far from Lawrenceburg, in the Ohio River. Nobody understands how this could happen.

The sunken barge, British Columbia.

In 1929, this wooden barge sank, sitting on a bank, and since then rests on the bottom of the sea.

Hospital ship, Australia.

During the Second World War, the liner SS Maheno was a military hospital. Suddenly disappeared while being towed to Japan in 1935 he was found three days later. As it turned out, the strongest storm took the ship to the shore of an uninhabited island not far from Australia. For three days the crew lived in tents, waiting for help. The team has been evacuated and the ship left to live out his days in seclusion.

Old boat on the island of Anglesey in Wales.

This fishing boat harmoniously fits into the discreet English landscape. Most likely, it will rest here forever, to the accompaniment of wind, howling mournfully in the crevices of the deck.

A flotilla of ghost, USA.

The famous cemetery of the ships in the bay Malo - a place where many ships have gone to die. They look like a ghost fleet, which moves somewhere in eternity, slowly disappearing under water

"The Flying Dutchman" from Gythio, Greece.

After him came down last sailor, the ship has long been asleep and dreams about the sea. The ship was in the Greek port of Gythio, but a sudden gust storm carried it out to sea! The ship was supposed to stop, but a temporary anchor could not withstand the elements and the ship was back on the waves and swam until until aground. Frolic in the end, "The Flying Dutchman" is now resting peacefully in the shallows.

Shipwreck Island, Bermuda.

In the Bermuda Triangle is not a good reputation. Local ship graveyard only reinforces the impression of mystery and sadness.

Titanic - who was killed a giant.

If the world of sunken ships was a king, he no doubt would have been the Titanic. Unsinkable, grand, luxurious - so it was called. On the first trip in 1912, he crashed - it was a terrible accident, which killed thousands of people. For decades, the "Titanic" was in darkness and dead silence at a depth of about 4 kilometers, and marine worms and molluscs slowly ate it. Only in 1985, people have decided to disturb him, but 10 years later, James Cameron several times down to a giant ship in the Russian submersible "Mir".

Cargo ship in the Red Sea and a fishing trawler.

Huge cargo ship at the bottom of the Red Sea, many years ago, crashed against the rocks and sank. Now it is one of the most popular destinations for divers. The second - just one of the hundreds of abandoned boats. What sadness and beauty!

"Cemetery ships Muinak".

Muinak is a city in northern Karakalpakstan in western Uzbekistan. Due to the fact that since 1980, the population beginning to decline rapidly due to the draining of the Aral Sea, at the moment there live only a few thousand inhabitants.

Once a vibrant city with a flourishing fishing economy, is the only port city in Uzbekistan, with tens of thousands of residents, Muinak today is a mere shadow of its former glory, located dozens of kilometers from the rapidly receding Aral Sea coastline.

The main reason why travelers visit Muinak - a graveyard of ships, a collection of rusty skeletons that were once part of the city's fishing fleet. Graveyard of ships in Muinak is an image that illustrates perfectly the disaster - the once proud ships are stranded in the desert sand.

Unfortunately, there are not many ships as scrap metal recycling companies quickly dealt with them before the authorities in charge of tourism, had this ban. The final blow to the already distressed the local population, was the fact that the money received from the processing, did not go to people who have owned boats, and was divided between the two companies for the processing of scrap metal and government officials.

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