Description Lichen (Bryophyta)

in photography •  7 years ago 

Understanding moss

Moss plants are a collection of small plants that are included in Bryophytina. ... This plant group also has no true vessels. Instead of the roots, the absorbing organ is rhizoid. Leaf moss plants can photosynthesize.

The role of moss plants in the ecosystem

Moss plants have a role in the ecosystem as a provider of oxygen, water storage (due to the nature of spongy cells), and as a pollutant absorber

This plant is also known as a pioneer plant, able to live in an environment less favored plants in general

Leaves moss generally as thick as one layer of cells, except mother leaves bone. Leaf cells are small, narrow, long and contain chloroplasts arranged like nets. Among them are large dead cells with the thickening of the inner wall spiral-shaped. These dead cells serve to place water supplies and food reserves

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Hola. La foto me encantó, me dió la sensación de estar montada en esa montaña, donde la brisa con los rayos solares calientan mi piel pero con suavidad. jajajajaj ¡que imaginación!.

pollutant absorber? oh wow, I've just known that. Thanks