in photography •  7 years ago 

As a content creator, I spend so much of my time curating my Instagram feed so it looks exactly how I want it.

I also spend way too much time trying to create the perfect video for my Youtube channel.

But there are many times I go through the dreaded creators block syndrome!

If you ever feel like this, or have been through this yourself, you know frustrating this can be.

My advice to you is just to go with it.

Don't force it as it will make your content look bad. You may lose followers or subscribers or both, but you have gotten this far and put in that much work, that its a waste to ruin it now chasing the perfect post.

It will pass, I can promise you that.

When it does pass the flood gates will open and your ideas will come rushing back.

So please dont get disheartened when this does happen, it happens to us all including the big Instagrammers and Youtubes.... Shit happens :)

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Great photos and great advice! With patience, all good things come in their own time.

Thank you... I completely agree, the more you try and rush things, the longer they will take to happen!

When it does pass the flood gates will open and your ideas will come rushing back.

This is so true! Great post.

Followed :)

Thank you so much :)