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  ·  8 years ago (edited)

The Amateur Mycologist is here again.

First does look like an Amanita Muscaria, or Fly Agaric, getting on in age. I would hesitate to call this mushroom deadly though - it is not the Destroying Angel or the Amanita phalloides - it should not have the powerful mytotoxin which destroys your liver. However, it is poisonous and, historically, considered vaguely psychotropic. The experience, based on recountings from the internet, sounds less than ideal.

To be blunt though, don't eat it. That's my policy on all finds.

The Ids get more difficult using just one photo as we go down. The second one looks vaguely lobster mushroomy. This usually means a Russela genus taken over by a fungus eating mold that actually makes the whole thing delicious. But again, from one photo, can't be sure.

Three and Four appear to be Pleurotus ostreatus or a related species - browned from sun exposure, growing with long, decurrent gills and in groups - and from what I can see off wood. You would need to do more to identify them for sure.

Five and six might be in the Armallaria genus - but much more information is needed to be sure.

If you want to get the low down on how to ID mushrooms, click the first hyperlink in this comment. If you want to see my most recent Mushroom species breakdowns, check out Here and Here

If you have any questions let me know.

Great pics! I have a slight fascination with toad stools since a young age..yes the smurf house is my fave!

The first and last look like the deadly Fly Agaric.

I was gonna say "smurf's houses" Lol 😉

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Me too haha. Those smurf houses are the toxic fly amanita. Nice pics btw.

Toxic, yes. Deadly -- if you eat them for too many years. They have an accumulative, overall, long-term effect on your kidneys, like alcohol.

That's why I eat mushrooms sold in the supermarket lol.

I've been mushroom hunting here in Bulgaria a few times, and it is a must to have an experienced older person sort the ones taken home to see which ones are "iffy." Amanita muscaria, by the way, has an interesting etymology. The *muscaria" part comes from the Latin for "a fly," and in Bulgaria, they call it мухоморка -- which translates as "fly killer" or "fly sleeper" because it was used by our ancestors to deal with pest problems. They would cut the fly agaric at the base and place it in a bowl on the table -- where the flies would gather and die. True story!

That looks right to me. Not your nicest magic mushroom based on this link.

Toxic, yes. Deadly -- if you eat them for too many years. They have an accumulative, overall, long-term effect on your kidneys, like alcohol.

I only picked the lobster mushrooms because they were the only ones I knew. I was able to find about the First ones too but the rest are a mystery. The first and last pic are the same ones.


seriously live

The first and last. Good place to educate oneself on the use of various substances!

Very nice and interesting try to see mine page maybe will be interesting fir you :) I followed you with happy to see more!!!!
See this, if it is not beautiful i'll like youre every posts.

I'd say top photo and bottom photo, both amanitas. They've broken their veil and it is left on the cap. You can have amanitas where the dots/specs on the cap have washed off due to precipitation too! And not all amanitas are the classic red cap with white dots like the amanita muscaria (and probably others amanitas may fit that same description? @dber ?) but I believe in general, all amanitas should have remanence of specs from the veil, unless it has been washed off by rain or worn off from other contact or development.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I believe that's correct

Ok most do - but there are at least a few that dont - heres one for example

Thanks for ;) the confirmation!

First and last appear as others comment, amanita muscaria.
What they do not comment is that it has an ancient history as being a God.
Not seeing God, but actually being a God.
Go look for the book Soma Divine Mushroom of Immortality
see also:

Wow those cheeky ass wholes on the somashamans site have stolen the dragon from the Welsh flag for their site. That's not cool.