This product in recent times has gained ground in its acceptance of the homes of the Ecuadorian Amazon.
According to scientific studies the Chonta, contains a high nutritional level and the advantages of its consumption, is left behind the disinterest that still a large part of the population has for this fruit.
Harvest of the Chonta
The women leave carrying the chankins (baskets); The man precedes them and plucks the fruits with a strong hook while the woman picks them up. Then we proceed to cook the fruits. Later the chonta with pure water is prepared and it is left in some pots covered with leaves ready for the next step.
Party for the harvest of the Chonta
The festival of the chonta is in the month of May, when its production is in full swing. At the party of the chonta (Uwi Ijiampramu), the ceremony begins from the moment the product is taken. The organizer is usually the one who summons people to collect the fruit using allusive phrases.