I think it's time to get this developed.

in photography •  7 years ago 

I've been hanging onto this roll of film for several months now. This was the roll in the camera through the months of September, October, and November. A few months ago I posted about this roll and how I was probably going to hang onto it for a while.

I'm sure there's not really anything terribly important or impressive on it, but it was the roll I was working on when Mom passed in September. I just haven't had the will to have it processed until now. It sat on a shelf with many things of Mom's I had sitting on the same shelf. I don't even remember what images I took.

Maybe this is something I need to get back into. I've been in such a damn slump for forever now. Maybe it's just time. Maybe it'll help me move on.

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And maybe there will be a picture on it that will be important to you in your life because of the roll's history ...

It's definitely the time to do it.

I remember the time when my mom passed right as I was getting ready to graduate from elementary school. Having my dad pass away a year prior, this left me feeling empty. What came next was me adjusting to a life living with my older brother and traversing middle school as someone who wanted to stay isolated.

After not feeling motivated and getting lower grades in courses I should've excelled in, I was sent to a counselor who made me realize, my parents wouldn't want me at this standstill.

From then on I surely took a step forward and started to do more and reach out more. Sure at first I didn't feel like it was for myself, but for my departed parents to make them proud still as if they were . But I decided to gain more accomplishments in high school like joining clubs and getting accepted in my first college pick.

Now as I'm about to graduate, I decided to move forward for myself and I feel much happier for it. I'm sure you'll feel the same way.

Actually what you can do is take a picture of any thing on that day, even one of yourself and label the roll new start, so whenever you're at a standstill you have a reminder to never stay still again.

I know this problem! Worse in my case, I have so many analog cameras that I do not always remember the type of films in it ahahahaha