Lovely breakfast of plantain and fish mixed with egg sauce depending on how you like it

in photography •  7 years ago  (edited)

Good morning to you all from Nigeria.
Looking at what I call boiled plantain sauce and fish with a little egg by the side a perfect breakfast for me this morning the way I love it.
When you visit Nigeria or any African country you will know what I'm talking about , these plantain and fish can be prepared in other way like this oneFB_IMG_1515484668689.jpg

And this other one with a little touch of rice by the side what a lovely day FB_IMG_1515484686367.jpg

Or just plantain with egg sauce FB_IMG_1515484724523.jpg
I will be glad if you can share your thoughts on these if you love food like me.

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Nice breakfast but I do like that plantain with just egg sauce
