The Best Tips for Beginner Photographers?

in photography •  8 years ago 

Photography is an enjoyable skill to have, whether you have it as a fun hobby or as a serious profession. The world of photography is always changing due to new technology, different methods of shooting, and new equipment being developed. If you’re a beginner, it can feel overwhelming or intimidating to start your photography practice, as we are surrounded by perfect photos everywhere from social media to art galleries. There are a couple tips and tricks that beginners should know and employ to help you feel confident in getting started. As with anything, remember that you will not be an expert when you start and that practice and commitment is the best way to really see improvement in your skill.

Source: Pixabay

A good first step is to figure out how to use and work with your camera. Whether you’re shooting with your phone’s camera or if you’ve bought yourself something a little fancier, take the time to sit with your device to understand how to work it. Most photography equipment comes with multiple buttons and settings, so it’s important to familiarize yourself with the tools of the trade in order to get the best results. Your photography equipment should have a user’s manual with it, which is a great starting source for how to use your device and learn what the different functions are. Also, put some time into learning and understanding the language of the trade. For example, ISO is how sensitive your camera is to the light in your surroundings, and adjusting your ISO effects how your photo turns out. The higher the ISO setting, the more your camera is sensitive to light, which will make your photos brighter. High ISO settings are often used in darker settings where you need more light in the photo, whereas a lower ISO setting is needed if you’re shooting in the outdoor sunshine. Understanding mechanics like ISO and F-stops help you adjust the settings on your camera to capture the mood and style of your subject.

Source: Pixabay

Photography is often motivated by emotion. People take photos to capture a significant, special, or fun time so they can keep that memory with them forever. We fill our homes with photos of our loved ones, of vacations and special occasions because these memories and faces bring us joy. If you’re looking to get started with photography, go out and take pictures of things that are interesting to you or that make you happy. Experiment with your friends and family, using the people you know as models or taking beautifully candid photos of them. If you love being in nature, take your camera for a walk in the woods, to the mountains, or the beach and photograph the natural beauty around you. You’ll feel more motivated and creative if you’re enjoying yourself while shooting and you’ll find that you begin to see the world as endless photo opportunities.

Slow down to think about how you want a photo to look. What do you want to be the focus? Are you shooting a wide, landscape photo where you should employ the rule of thirds, or are you going for a macro shot, with one object in close, sharp focus? Taking the time to frame the photo in your mind can help you with the mechanics and body positions needed to take the perfect shot. Don’t be embarrassed to get on the floor or crouch down in an odd position if it means getting a great picture. Photography is a great art form, whether it’s a hobby or your job, and you will find that you are okay with putting yourself in sometimes odd positions to capture your image. Remember to explore and find your own signature style while having fun!

Source: Pixabay

Try to not feel frustrated as you start out and don’t think you’re a failure if you’re not capturing the perfect image. It can often take hundreds of photos before you find the perfect shot. Keep in mind as well that you are your own worst critic. The perfect photo rarely happens by a snap of the camera alone – there’s often an editing process that goes along with photography. Editing can help smooth out imperfections, brighten colors, eliminate excessive shadows, and really bring a picture to life. Most computers come with a built-in basic photo editor, so start playing around with different effects, tones, and contrasts with your photos. You’ll notice that you can drastically alter the look and feel of a picture simply by using some basic editing tools.

Experimentation is key when you’re starting out, as well as when you’re a seasoned photographer. You should always be up for trying a new technique or a shooting style that is different than your own. For beginners, it’s easier to try out different methods, techniques, and settings because you’re still discovering your style. Some people find that they are drawn to portraiture; others love wide, sweeping landscape shots, and others find they are drawn to macro photography, which focuses in on tiny details. You develop your personal style further as you experiment with editing tools and camera settings. Some people find that they want to work only with black and white photos, while others want to incorporate as much color as possible into their shots.

Source: Pixabay

If you’re feeling stuck or like you’re having a hard time figuring out your camera and shooting style on your own, look into taking a photography class or join a local photography get-together. These groups or classes are usually free or cost a small fee to join and are a great way for you to quickly elevate your knowledge and capabilities. Learning from other people who have some more experience and insight can be the best way to learn. You can even try a day of shadowing a professional photographer, helping them on set and learning how they direct their models. Joining a community of photographers will push you to try new techniques, learn how to correct your mistakes or overcome creative challenges, and will give you a group that offers supportive feedback on your work. You can also keep up on photography tips, tricks, and techniques online where there is a wealth of knowledge, tutorial videos, and discussion forums for you to interact with.

Source: Pixabay


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Thank you! very useful to me, upvoted and following. Keep up the good work!

Thanks @kaminchan. I just followed you back :)

This is really encouraging and helpful. I'm definitely an amateur and love learning on this platform from more experienced photographers. Thank you for sharing your wisdom

I'm happy @takemeoutside that you like my post. Follow me :)

Nice ,,,,,... @fahrullah



Nicely explained. thanks i will save this post :-)

I would appreciate a resteem and I will resteem some of your post too, Anyway thanks for dropping by @stefen

Ever since joining Steemit i have been looking at things and thinking; that would make a nice photo, i'm thinking to upgrade to an iPhone 6 or samsung galaxy s6 which would you recommend? Followed

neither @moemanmoesly. No offense for iPhone users but I prefer Samsung, S6 is not bad but S7 and S8 would be the wiser choice. very powerful camera. Almost similar to DSLR. My GF have iPhone and I got Samsung so I can really tell the difference,

I agree @yeobo, i have been using apple products for a while and tbh i have had enough and want to switch to android, also i didn't even realise that there was an S8, goes to show how out of touch i am 😐 , i have heard nothing but good things about Samsung (bar the explosions) thanks for the recommendation.

I'm using S7 so I guess I'm also outdated lol but I really hate how fast these big Company create another series after the other one. I remembered I just got my S7 when it was release and after like months I think ... here's S8. Set aside the explosion thing which happened on Note7 but no records with S series., In my opinion, Samsung's camera are the best for me.

Thanks for all the info and sharing, interesting post, lot of new tips #keepsteemin :)

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Sure thing, I've done that before I got to 50% of the post :)

Very nice, Will be looking forward to your posts.

Up-voted :-)


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