Nude Photography - Nature Philosophy

in photography •  8 years ago  (edited)

Hallo Steem,

today I want to share some photographs my friends and me took at #karpfenteich last week. It is a pretty, little lake in the south east of #berlin.

For me being naked is the basis for getting in touch with nature and other fellow human beings. A lot of us lost the feeling of oneness with our great mother earth and in my opinion this is due to the fact that we are constantly forced to wear cloth.

Without wearing cloth we notice that our body shape is simular to the shapes of plants and animals and that our skin is a beautiful screen to portray the shadows of the treeleaves and branches.

Swimming naked gives you a completely different sencation than with any kind of swimming cloth. Even the tiniest bikini makes a difference. Only when your body is without cover you are able to feel the streems in the water on your whole body. This gives you a new impression of your own shape.

I hope this post inspires you to go outside and develop our awareness of the elements. Feel the #earth. Enjoy the warming touch of suns #fire. Drift with the flow of #water within and without your #body. Breath the lifespending #air and become one with the #sky and the universe.

Lots of Love to everyone <3

Wow, thank you a lot for valuing my post. I am deeply touched that people I have not met in real live are giving me such a support via #steemit. This is really a new form of connection! Still loving this friendly music...

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I think these are very tasteful and artistic, but I recommend tagging them nsfw in the future, just to be on the safe side.

I did not know about this tagg but I am not sure if I want to use it. I think someone who opens a blogpost that is titeled "Nude Photography - Nature Philosophy" can imagine how the pictures might look like. I feel that the natural naked body should not be offensive for anyone. I'm not posting this pictures in a pornographic context. They should invite people to think about their unity with the world surrounding us. This can be the basis of more discussions, maybe also amongst colleagues? What do you think?

I was not trying to imply the photos are pornographic. I appreciate the what you are portraying in your art. However, the nsfw tag is used to filter image previews from the main page. Someone that is scrolling through the main page might not appreciate the nudity, even if it is not in a pornographic context.

Thank you. I appreciate your compliment and I understand your point. Still I do not want to categorize my art in this way, even if some people might not like seeing it. Being naked is one basic part of our human existence and its been made a problem by made-up values that are oppressing people with fear. I want to make people who are troubled by fear realize that they are perfectly fine natural beings. Another thing that is important to me is questioning the mass media all of us are influenced by. Even if I do not like it: peoples bodys are used there make us want things we do not need. I think steemit should not bann nudity in general, since understanding that being nude is nothing filthy could mean healing for ourselfes.

You keep doing you! My suggestion was only because I didn't want to see your work get down voted for no good reason.

Keep it up! In this post I wrote more about my understanding of nudity :)

Life's not work, anyway. NSFW might be only a way of broadcasting prudishness enabled for puritanical types, who probably shouldn't be running our lives anyway....

If you are interested in my painting artwork, have a look here:

Great compositon. Very creative

  ·  8 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

clothing is one of the many beautiful symbolic contradictions between nature/culture... but only when fully nude are we spiritually closer to our roots!

Well said. Thank you for this comment. I'm still thinking about the term "symbolic contradictions between nature and culture" and if I agree with it... Maybe the fear of being naked is an active behavioural contradiction of our culture to our nature... But at the moment I am actually to overwhelmed that I am not sure what to think. Also I am preparing another post about my artwork as a painter at the moment. I will try to bring m ideas on your interesting comment to words later :)

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment
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  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

wonderful post, thanks to the author ! I think that many dream about this profession ))), but they are not aware of the many problems that appear in during operation

Thank you, I think being an author includes more things than just sitting in front of your pc writing storys. It has a lot to do with getting to know yourself and our surrounding so you know what you want to write and who you want to write it for. Of course this gets you into conflict with youself but it also keeps it interesting. :)

"more than sitting in front of your pc"
that made me chuckle considering the post content ;-)

Of course I could be naked now too and typing ? So could you !

It's true, my balls while swimming naked feel the streems :3.... Seriously is a great sensation.

Good job, people on Steem are very artistic... @johnnyyash

Non stop we build steem up anachistic... @sature

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

anarchists will rock the world VVV
thanks for the photos and the music

That's so non PC !
it made me laugh out loud...

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Thank you all so much! Here is another picture of myself @sature took of me that day. By the way: Welcome to steemit!

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment