To become chicken bangkok whiz who really good, takes a long time. The candidate must be trained first on a regular basis, just like the boxers before the official ring the ring. This exercise is meant to make the jago become strong, lively and athletic looking.
Maintenance of bangkok chicken is good, requiring additional attention, that is physical exercise. Physical exercise like a true athlete is to find out tough to our roosters. The condition of the body is always excellent, for the champion is ready to fight anytime.
- Preliminary Exercises
The most appropriate age to include a potential candidate to the training center when he is already showing signs of adulthood. For example, start lust when looking at the opposite sex, a cute certainly. The age of balig is common at 8-9 months. This is the time to put the candidate on the spot. It means. he had to pay a separate cage separate from his brothers. In the morning for two jams (8 - 9 o'clock), she is dried in warm sunshine. Young people who are dried in the sun this morning can not wander around looking for food themselves, let alone find a boyfriend. Therefore he must be confined in the middle of the page. Only on the sick of the day. the champion was removed from his cage, and given freedom of movement by freed in a closed yard. Freedom is only two hours, the master can not be ditem