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What a beauty! 😍

Can you show us some more images? It's folding in it's own suitcase I presume? How heavy is it compared to a digital camera? 😈

Do you have some images from the negatives? curious to find out how they look like, how do you use them?

I dont have any negatives to show yet.

Too bad... But I can wait! 😀👍

That would be so fun. I do love my digital for shooting sports but for so many other things that camera would be great. Not just the photo's but the interest people would have when they see you set it up! Haha, Anonymity would be a little hard outdoors with that :)

That thing looks sick, but very intimidating at the same time. Have fun with it man!

What an awesome camera! I can't wait to see some of your photos with it.

I'm pretty sure that's the device that zaps you into TRON. The movie not the blockchain.