The more I look...

in photomag •  3 years ago  (edited)

In his book, "Gary Player’s Golf Secrets", Gary Player quoted Jerry Barber as saying "The harder I practice, the luckier I get".

This is also very true of photography.

You all know I am traditionally a landscape photographer (and this is still my biggest love in photography). For the past couple of years though, I have ventured into street photography. To help me "see" I have devised a set of themes that I constantly seek out while roaming the streets. One of those themes is "Cubism" as mentioned here and in my previous blog.

The day before yesterday a friend and I went out "investigating" a new (very photogenic) bookstore that opened a week ago in Shenzhen. (My next post will be about this bookstore)

On the way to the bookstore, we passed a Tim Hortons coffee shop. Oh, and I did not mention, he is Canadian... So we HAD to have coffee at Tim Hortons.

When entering Tim Hortons, I immediately noticed the mirrored ceiling. And I had to photograph it.

DSCF1469_250.jpg (Click to view larger image)
DSCF1470_250.jpg _(Click to view larger image)

I think mirrored ceilings is a trend in China (or is it worldwide?)

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Really enjoying your Cubism period. I had no idea Tim Hortons was in China! Thanks for that maple leaf.