A winter walk. - 📸 - Photos of the day.

in photos •  7 years ago 

Hi, Steemians! Today I have too short a walk due to the approaching bad weather. We expect strong wind and rain. Probably that tomorrow, everything here will be covered with a layer of ice. But while ordinary winter day...





Camera SONY DSC-W350

You can still have time to participate in my Christmas contest and win a prize. Details here: https://steemit.com/happynewyear/@madlenfox/happynewyear-contest-exciting-entertainment-with-a-prize-fund-of-30-steem

Still, as a guest judge in December for a contest #culturevulture, I want to remind You that You can have time to write a post about the different cultural traditions of Your people; festivals, arts, national food, customs of Your country. The idea of the contest belongs to @eroche. The conditions of the contest You can find at this link: https://steemit.com/culturevulture/@culturevulture/culture-vulture-challenge

Also, as a guest judge on this week for contest #drawitbetter (round 7) , I invite all creative people to participate in this exciting contest. The theme of the week - parrot. We are waiting for Your drawings. The mastermind of this contest @sirsensei , he also presents his drawings for each theme of the week. Details and conditions of the contest at this link: https://steemit.com/drawitbetter/@sirsensei/7-drawitbetter-contest-winners-and-new-theme

This is a good opportunity to join and win prizes. Good luck!

Thank you for Your attention and Your visit. I appreciate Your feedback and comments.

Привет, Steemians! Сегодня у меня слишком короткая прогулка из-за приближения плохой погоды. Мы ожидаем сильный ветер и дождь. Вероятно, что уже завтра здесь всё покроется слоем льда. Но, а пока обычный зимний день...
Вы можете ещё успеть принять участие в моём новогоднем конкурсе и выиграть приз. Подробности здесь: https://steemit.com/happynewyear/@madlenfox/happynewyear-contest-exciting-entertainment-with-a-prize-fund-of-30-steem
Ещё, как приглашенный судья в декабре для конкурса #culturevulture, я хочу напомнить Вам, что Вы можете успеть написать пост о различных культурных традициях Вашего народа; фестивалях, искусстве, национальной еде, обычаях Вашей страны. Идея конкурса принадлежит @eroche. С условиями конкурса Вы можете ознакомиться по этой ссылке: https://steemit.com/culturevulture/@culturevulture/culture-vulture-challenge
Также, в качестве приглашенного судьи на эту неделю для конкурса #drawitbetter (7 раунд) , я приглашаю всех творческих людей принять участие в этом увлекательном конкурсе. Тема этой недели - попугай. Мы ждём Ваши рисунки. Идейный вдохновитель этого конкурса @sirsensei , он лично тоже представляет свои рисунки для каждой темы недели. Подробности и условия конкурса по этой ссылке: https://steemit.com/drawitbetter/@sirsensei/7-drawitbetter-contest-winners-and-new-theme Это хорошая возможность присоединиться и выйграть призы. Удачи! Спасибо за Ваше внимание и Ваш визит. Я ценю Ваши отзывы и комментарии.

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walking on the snow is my dream, I love it :)

:)@pennystockhelp, a lot of snow for You.

Beautiful winter scenery for us in Florida to see.
It has been a few years now since I have seen that in person.
Oh, you should put your walks in "walkwithme" tag.
You will get the attention of @lyndsaybowes.
You want her attention. Trust me on this.


Francis , This winter we got too long. It is annoying and sometimes creates a problem. Those snowy landscapes look nice only in the beginning of winter, but later it is too dark. Slippery roads, accidents on roads, utilities do not hurry in a timely manner to clean the streets from mountains of snow falling from roofs icicles, sometimes people wet and soiled clothing and shoes.... this is only a small part of what is behind these lovely winter landscapes.
Francis , thanks for the recommendation about the new tag. I have not seen it. I will definitely check it out. Thanks for stopping by.

ohhh so lovely shots taken my dear friend @madlenfox, during winter walk.in pictures whole places covered with layer of ice looks amazing but in real its bad weather and so cold. thanks dear for shared.

@rabeel, I'm glad you liked the photos. It's not cold. The cold still just ahead. It's only the beginning :)

"wow Really beautiful nature photos captured dear @madlenfox .

Thank you, @shahin24. I'm glad You like my landscapes.

Great post, beautiful pictures and wonderful explanations my sweet friend

@dobartim , the photographs - all this nasty winter... I'm waiting for spring :(

Perfect random shots. Me like!

@sirsensei, it's really random shots, all that around :) thank you!