The effect of "romantic poverty" . Plein air and my original photos.steemCreated with Sketch.

in photos •  7 years ago 

Hello to all visitors of my blog! I continue to acquaint You with interesting, unusual or just beautiful places. I have my favorite places that I love to come back again and again. But many of them I know for the first time.

I can call this tower the most unique pavilion in the Park. It is located in the most remote corner of a large Park. It is called the "pil-tower".


This name is derived from the old English watchtowers. In the 15th century these towers were built in the villages on the border of England and Scotland. They were called tower-pillars.

According to historical records, the author of the project of the tower - the architect V. Brenna. There is a suggestion that this pavilion was built in 1795. It is made of brick on a solid stone Foundation. Brick covered with plaster. And On the plaster a layer of fresco painting.


Thatched roof and sloppy painting is a tribute to the fashion of the time. Very rich people willfully create the effect of "romantic poverty". But, the room inside the tower, on the contrary impressed by its magnificent interiors.This luxury room was used for seclusion and relaxation of noble people of the Royal court.


In this beautiful natural landscape by the river is always a pleasure to spend time and enjoy the surrounding beauty.


In our days this place continues to attract a lot of people. Here you can find a lot of tourists. Here come the townsfolk with their families for walks in the fresh air. This is a popular place for artists to paint EN plein air.





In the tower is now equipped with a mini exhibition of works of some artists.


I hope that You have enjoyed our walk. All photos were taken with my camera SONY DSC-W350

Thank you for Your attention and Your visit. I appreciate Your feedback and comments.

Привет всем посетителям моего блога! Я продолжаю знакомить Вас с интересными, необычными или просто красивыми местами. У меня есть любимые места, в которые я люблю возвращаться снова и снова. Но многие из них я сама узнаю впервые.
Я могу назвать эту башню самым оригинальным павильоном в парке. Она находится в самом отдалённом уголке большого парка. Её называют "Пиль-башня".
Такое название она получила от старинной Английской сторожевой башни. В 15 веке подобные башни возводили в деревнях на границе Англии и Шотландии. Их называли башни-столбы.
По историческим данным, автор проекта этой башни - архитектор В. Бренна. Есть предложение, что этот павильон был построен в 1795 году. Он выполнен из кирпича на крепком каменном фундаменте. Кирпич покрыт штукатуркой. И уже На штукатурку нанесен слой фресковой живописи.
Соломенная крыша и небрежная роспись - это дань моде того времени. Очень богатые люди умышленно создавали эффект "романтической бедности". Но, помещения внутри башни наоборот поражали своим великолепным интерьером.Это роскошное помещение использовалось для уединения и отдыха знатных персон королевского двора.
В таком окружении прекрасного природного ландшафта на берегу реки всегда приятно провести время и насладиться окружающей красотой. И в наши дни это место продолжает привлекать к себе множество людей.
Здесь можно встретить много туристов. Сюда приходят горожане со своими семьями для прогулок на свежем воздухе. Это излюбленное место художников , чтобы рисовать на пленэре.
В самой башне теперь оборудована мини экспозиция работ некоторых художников.
Я надеюсь, что Вам понравилась наша прогулка. Все фотографии были сделаны с помощью моей фотокамеры SONY DSC-W350
Спасибо за Ваше внимание и Ваш визит. Я ценю Ваши отзывы и комментарии.

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Thank you :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I see no replies at this point. The natural beauty must have spell bound your viewers.
I love this park too. While I don't envy you for having access that I and others don't have. I still can wish that I too had access.
Thank you so much for showing this to us.
Beautiful. And for the history. Thank you again.


I am also surprised that there is silence, and the voices increased. I guess people are just too busy. Oh well...I'll wait :) Thank you Francis for Your support. You always find the time to view my photos. I am very grateful. I read Your new philosophical post. I couldn't write a review. Don't want it to be as indifferent or trivial. I see that You are worried about something lately. I felt. You worried about something. You worked a lot lately. Are you tired of. You showed us what a large amount of work done. We sometimes wonder about his life and about what lies ahead. But we should not grieve , my friend. I recently started to read the Bible sometimes. The book of life was open to me many secrets. But much to comprehend I have not given. Time flies inexorably forward.

Beautiful pictures dear friend @madlenfox, I love the history of the place, another amazing thing is the use of exhibits that give the place.
Excellent post dear friend congratulations
Have a great day

Thank you @jlufer that You found a minute to view. Always helps me Your support and comments. I wish You a successful new week.

a great place and a very interesting picture, want to taste it there

Welcome @zultaroky

Nice information about tower-pillars. I like reading about historical structures. Thanks for photographs.

Thank you @shirish5 for Your interest in my stories . I wish You a good day.