The Foundation For Implicate/Explicate Order

in phsyics •  8 years ago 

Author Note: I'm leaving out the links/references but most sentences refer to an article (or multiple articles) in the rest of my blog

The significance and relevance of emotional “control” in relation to psychological anxiety, which is observation without a source, or mediation, is in regard to the perceived role of time.

Whether or not we are our past and what we might view others “as” in this manner.

The question of ID (identification) comes into play again in a larger fashion.

And then we start to understand in order to idealize all of these problems (their solutions) we need to be able to think about and view time explicitly/implicitly-which calls for the entirety of humanity (propriety) to do so, together.

Much leg work can be done theoretically/philosophically, individually by mediation or within groups (Bohmian dialogue).

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