Physics, Math, and Dropshipping

in physics •  6 years ago  (edited)

Although I don’t categorize myself as a dummy, I can admit that I possess a lazy bone somewhere in my body. Hence I am plagued with the everlasting impulse to become dormant and lie in bed all day. Fortunately, I also possess a desire to make something of myself, and for me, it means learning all the knowledge I can, mostly focusing on math and science.

I hold a high level of respect to those who build their career path on science, engineering, technology, and math (STEM), but this respect can go even beyond when I hear of those who use their STEM knowledge to improve society and establish a lasting legacy. It’s a lofty dream of mine to end up in a textbook in the far future, being credited for an equation or a discovery that can remove Kanye from mind whenever a person thinks of ‘West.’

Enough with these romantic fantasies. It takes a person with brilliance — with a natural curiosity for the mysteries of universe in order to leave an imprint on man’s progress. Not that I lack these qualities but my natural curiosity in learning has somewhat waned since my freshman year of high school, and this declining interest has caused me to question my identity. In a sense, I feel like the type of person I naturally leaned towards during my middle school years have run away. The part of me that loved science and technology and taught myself how to program two languages after learning HTML seems to now only exist as a fragment, making me question if he existed at all. Whatever the case, I wish to make myself better. My goals include studying math and physics on my own with my own self motivation and ultimately finding a way to earn some money. I plan to either gain some sort of financial independence by either going the traditional route through my career, acquiring a trade skill that could possibly make me millions granted I stumble upon the right opportunity, or diving in head-first into dropshipping. If I choose the latter, I hope I do not end up wasting all of my money, but I’ll see.

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