A Bearing Leading to Einstein's Six O'clock and a "Lock on Target"

in physics •  4 years ago  (edited)

A bearing leading to Einstein's six o'clock and a "lock on target"...

The statement in question:
"the speed of light does not change"

I believe that charge gradient ratios (negative/ positive) expressed by stars and their satellites, are the medium which act as the carrier of radio frequencies.

We know the speed of sound in the carrier of water is increased or decreased, based on the conditions of the medium (temperature, pressure/density and interferent matter).

Therefore it seems more logical to state, the speed of light and other radio frequencies are dependent on the conditions of the carrier. Not a speed dictated by the limit of human understanding.

Both a positive and a negative 0Hz carrier about stars and nuclei, a charge gradient ratio. Relative charge gradient ratios produce the masses we perceive and measure by proxy. The current commonly accepted complex mathematical perspective, is no longer short the fundamental mechanic for convergence between bodies of matter (archaic: gravity).

Charge Gradient physics,
December thirty-first, 2020.

I would say this year was a successful and productive experience.

Bohr is the other sparring partner, a mentor who's lessons can be absorbed and improvement contributed as liberation from discrepancies.

A model of the atom requiring specific amounts of charge in order to bias the charge ratio of an atom. The superfluous energy (bias -/+) is satisfied by an amount of complementary charge. Some particles are clearly not necessary in the developing model. Most refreshing is the correction that radio-waves are not massless photons.

An even greater relief to the sane mind, massless waves of light cannot logically gravitate toward a charge gradient source, traveling frequencies have no mass. That would make astronomy very difficult, light waves stopping short, converging to stars and planets long before reaching the apparatus here on Earth.

An entire century without physical proof of blackholes, does not allow the plotting of a theoretical concept throughout space. The scientific community has defied logic, it continues to persist in legitimizing unconfirmed theory. Guaranteed to surprise those members of the community who were led out on a limb, for neglecting to question and denounce illogic.

Changes in electrical polarity yield frequencies (radiant perturbations of charge gradient), some of which are perceived by humans (sound and light).

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