Thermal Spectrum

in physics •  8 years ago 

I think that as light is of the visual spectrum, that the visual spectrum itself is a component of what I call the thermal spectrum, which is a thing temperature-wise.

But I mean thermal spectdrum to include the states of matter, with light being the top of the human perception of thermal energy, and feeling being the lower extreme. Audio in the middle, or as part of feel+taste+smell.

This may sound crazy. Essentially, I mean to think that there is an equivalent thermal frequency of origination of each sensory experience, and that sensory organs developed perhaps in tandem with the evolution of thermal energy.

I also think that as black holes get enourmously larger, they have rings of thermal differing layers inside the event horizon, perhaps consisting of inversly attractive gravity objects.

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so that a black whole would be like a reflected/ refracted universe spacially