RE: After a rough week at work I pulled into my neighborhood and saw this tree. Everything is going to be OK

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After a rough week at work I pulled into my neighborhood and saw this tree. Everything is going to be OK

in pic •  7 years ago  (edited)

Woo this is incredible ! Nowadays, we are too busy in our own world - most likely in our phones - and we ignored many things around us.

Your picture remind me of a book I read for the first time many years ago, but I keep it on my night stand as consultation book. I’m referring to The Alchemist of Paulo Coelho. I’m pretty sure you have hear of it and if you haven’t read it yet I recommend you to do it as soon as possible!

In his book Coelho wrote about the life signals that most of us ignore, and how important and beneficial is to learn how to recognize and interpret this signals. Of course is a metaphoric book and for some kind of complicate, but if you read it with an open mind trying to asimilate and translate it into your own reality will be really helpful for adding positivity into your life ! image image

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thnku soo much ,, i vl deffntly read it ,,,