The PI cryptocurrency value is likely to begin at a low level against the US dollar, similar to other digital coins, then rise as usage grows. What do some price forecasters recommend?
Pi coin has a current value of $0.007077, according to both cryptocurrency statistics provider CoinMarketCap and algorithm-based forecasting site Wallet Investor.
Wallet Investor predicted a Pi cryptocurrency price of $0.0132 in March, with a downside of $0.00743. However, the website claims that it is no longer updating its forecast.
The coin's price could climb from an average of 0.01 versus the US dollar in 2022 to $0.015 by 2025, according to DigitalCoin's Pi Network price projection on January 24. It projected the PI price in the long run.
According to crypto market, the bull case could see the coin's price debut at $0.16 and reach $1 a year later, depending on the amount of cryptocurrency users and exchanges that adopt PI. In the long run, the price might increase to $5 in five years.
It's vital to remember that cryptocurrency markets are still incredibly volatile, making it difficult to anticipate a coin's price in a matter of hours, and even more difficult to make long-term predictions. As a result, experts can and do make mistakes in their predictions.
So, I recommend Follow to stay on top of the updated PI/USD price forecast as further data becomes available.