A picture says a lot of things. Carries a lot of money. Talks of happiness, sorrow, laughter, and weeping. Because of the difficulty of not getting a life, In addition to the unrealistic future. Whether they are visible or imagined.
White-white lotus flowers are lit on the lighthouse. Every day many nature-loving people come to see the flowers. Lakhtia landlocked area
Boro paddy growing in the house At the end of the monsoon, there is rains in the air. Munshi Dangi area,
A child was born on the river Gomti with a cooking pot. Chandpur Bridge area, Ideal Sadar Upazila, Comilla
One box is being guarded at the house made of straws in Magdal in Magadha. Shilokak village, Banshkhali, Chittagong, recent pictures.
Paddy mango is coming in the market These plastic baskets are needed to market mango. In the Chittagong city the boats have been brought.