My pot belly pig, Coco

in pictures •  9 years ago 

She's cute, cuddly, a bit bull headed, and yep, she's a pig. Say hello to Coco.

Despite popular opinion, pot belly pigs are as demanding as a dog with a few quirks. They EAT ALL THE TIME! I've had Coco for about 2 months now, and she is already double the size she was when I got her. She was 2 weeks old and had to have a milk diet with colostrum mix for another two weeks before I hooked her on th hog chow (I took a week to integrate both into slop). 

She runs faster than I do, but always stays relatively close when outside. Piggies like her do like to "root" or push their nose into the ground looking for truffles and whatnot, but nothing is more hilarious than hearing her snort and run with those short stubby legs at lightning speed with that belly wobbling!

More adventures of Tee-Em the hog owner to come...

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