People of many religions live in India, all religions have some of their rules and conditions. Islam religion is the world's largest religion and in India, there is a considerable amount of people who believe in this religion. Most Indian Muslims know that what they have been asked to eat in the Quran and what is forbidden is what forbids. Today we will tell you why it is considered to be the sacrament of Muslims to eat pork in the Qur'an.
In Islam, the dirt is not very much liked and it has been ordered to stay away from things which are dirty. We are well aware that the pig is a dirty animal and hence its meat is prohibited. Eating its meat can cause at least 70 different diseases. Tania Solium is a very popular tapeworm that is found in pork and by eating it, this parasite can go into the human body and damage the limbs such as the brain, lungs, heart and nose.
Hence many people avoid eating pigs hence will also recommend you not to eat such useless things.
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