Get More Out, With Pillar Wallet

in pillar •  7 years ago 

Wallets are apps that contain the keys you use to log into whichever private assets you have on a blockchain.

Transactions are facilitated by approximating a signature, based on your information and permissions. The more blockchains added the closer users come to using this software as a catchall dashboard for their online transactions.

This makes Pillar Wallet, our multi-chain, open source, free operating cryptocurrency platform all the more exciting!

With developments bringing digital currencies into the mainstream, the benefits of a wallet system such as ours are clear. In today’s article, we’ll be taking a closer look at functionality and underlying philosophy behind this cutting edge tech.

Without any further delay, let’s put the Pillar wallet under the microscope!

Your Cryptocurrency Wallet, and You

The concept of a cryptocurrency wallet isn’t a new development. As we mentioned earlier, the use of digital tokens and currency is becoming increasingly common between online businesses and their clients.

Depending on your spending habits, you’ll need a space to keep logins and details for your various currency profiles.
Pillar wallets are available in two versions:

  • OEM-facilitated:

An account-based variation that operates via an OEM third party, in order to service clients. This is an indirect way for these companies to provide this service while remaining compatible with their own systems. This version of the wallet system allows users to monitor their coins and tokens.

  • Atomic:

A more direct option, targeted towards users who want more granular control over their digital assets. While this bears similarities towards other systems, it also benefits from not being attached to any specific exchange system.
With the development of basic services and integrations come further opportunities for us to improve and promote user-oriented improvements to the wallet system:

  • Data Locker Services:

This will add a level of functionality to the wallet that we foresee being extremely useful to users. Everything from peer-to-peer lending to contract searches and digital birth certificate ecosystems means you’ll be able to handle the entire process from one centralised dashboard.

  • Stack:

No two users are the same, and not every user only uses the platform to do the same things. With the addition of multiple standards and services, available in layers to each user, the dashboard opens up in a real way to different levels of usage.

  • White-Label Wallets:

Businesses can use our product, with their logo, to create an app that integrates in a more authentic way into their own system.

  • Atomic Ownership:

The Pillars platform will develop, in terms of user experience, over time. This will be accompanied by a transition to more atomic ownership. Centralised backups of passwords and logins puts you and your trusted contacts in full control of your assets.

Take Control, With Pillar Wallet

With integrated support, varied exchange promotion, and comprehensive data locker services, to name a few of the dozens of services we have in store, it’s easy to see the attraction to Pillar Wallet.

What one of our excellent services are you most excited to take out for a test drive? Comment below and let your voice be heard.

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