Cryptocurrency Illuminati symbolism: Part 1 - The Pillar Project

in pillar •  7 years ago  (edited)


OK, I'm tired of seeing all the Freemasonic symbolism in the cryptos and nobody calling it out. These are telegraph messages to other Luciferian Illuminists letting them know that this this is their territory. To start off, guess where the photo below is from? You'd think it was in front of a Masonic Lodge right? Nope.. It's in front of the headquarters of the Internal Revenue Service in Maryland in the US. They are telegraphing that Luciferians own the IRS. The same is being done with a number of the cryptocurrencies as well and I'm going to start pointing this out in a few forthcoming examples.


The typical symbology they use are pyramids, Xs, pillars, one eye symbols, flames or torchbearers, Vs, 666 symbols, etc. All these symbols are indirect ways to indicate that Lucifer is their god and that he owns and runs their work. For them, they call it the "Great Work". They have a motto which is "ordo ab chao" and it means "order out of chaos". Their approach is quite easy to understand, it's simply "divide and conquer". They do this through creating two extremes and then running the two extremes against each other until they destroy each other and create a "third way" that is the synthesis of the previous two (and that supports their ultimate goal of a Luciferian dominion of the world). This is also known as the Hegelian Dialectic, after the philosopher Hegel that sold it as his own strategy.. it wasn't his.

Pillar Project symbolism

The name Pillar is a very weird name for their token if you don't understand what it is referring to. In Fremasonry, there are two pillars Jachin and Boaz that symbolize the two extremes that will be destroyed to create a single new Luciferian ideal. They merge into what is called the "Third Pillar" or "Third Way". You can find this in lots of Masonic symbolism and describes the Hegelian Dialetic in symbolic form. Here's a couple of examples:


Before and after.png

The destruction of the Twin Towers (twin pillars) in New York on 911 was a highly symbolic Masonic event. Even more symbolic was the subsequent erection of the single Freedom Tower in the same location. They performed a massive, global magickal ceremony symbolizing the conquest of Lucifer of the world. They then also built the one-eyed Oculus building at Ground Zero which looks just like a single opening and closing eye at the same location. Really f'n disturbing!

So back to the Pillar Project.. The Pillar Project also uses the pillar symbology even though it makes no f'n sense to do so unless you understand that the project is ultimately intended to move people unwittingly to a "middle pillar", "ordo ab chao" result. The Pillar project leader claims that they are striving for "data autonomy" where you have control of all your data, but at the same time all your data is centralized in one spot on a blockchain. The setup is complete and the technology can then eventually be used to f**k everybody by putting all data in a central, vulnerable position. You can hack any encryption if you have enough computing power and enough time. However, an even worse outcome is that people will likely just give in to sharing loads of their data for no apparent reason at some point since it's all centralized and oh so easy and convenient to do so.

Also no real surprise that the Pillar Project is a sub-project of the 2030 Project (yeah, just like the Luciferian UN Agenda 2030.. no shit.) On the logo for the Pillar project you also see a big blue pyramid hidden in the design as well as a third pillar at the top (bridge cables) coming out of two joined pillars coming up from below (yellow support columns). This is not a coincidence. Even more disturbing was Jsnip4's recent interview with the Pillar Project's leader where he references that you can have a chip in your wrist to access your data. This is an indirect reference to the Book of Revelations in the Bible where there is a warning to avoid at all costs the Mark of the Beast that will be placed either into the right hand or the forehead in the end times. You can't make this shit up. The Lucferians have an ongoing wet dream to have the whole world chipped and fully controllable.

I'm still trying to understand if Clif High caught all this Luciferian symbolism up front and still pushed this ICO. This would be a very bad and disconcerting sign for Clif and the Webbot reports from my perspective. Clif High is certainly smart enough to catch this. Some people are blaming Jsnip4 as well for pushing this, but Jsnip4 just basically follows everything Clif says when it comes to cryptos, so I don't really hold him ultimately accountable for this Pillar push. In any case, Jsnip4 should really learn to retain his critical thinking even in the face of Clif's very strong opinions. (Especially in situations such as this one.)

I'll be doing more of these breakdowns going forward, but in the mean time stay the f**k away from any cryptocurrencies using blatant Luciferian symbology unless you like supporting your own eventual doom. This includes the Pillar and 2030 Projects.

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Love the negativity and pessimism! It's really refreshing when every other blogger and YouTuber is up every ICO's butt. Every ICO can't be a's just not natural. Some are scams, wish people weren't scared to speak up.

Thanks for the comment and the upvote. I think the ICO mania is totally out of control. People have stopped rational analysis and are now emotionally throwing loads of money at any guys with a crypto-vision and a web page. In the case of Pillar, it's a dangerous vision with not a lick of code already in place. For others, there may be some code, but someone please explain to me why Tezos is now worth a quarter of a billion dollars. Total idiocy.

I think you'll like my previous article as well which is more directly on the ridiculousness of the ICOs. You can find it here

(Oh and by the way.. Great work on your Veritaseum articles! This is more Clif High influenced, crowd irrationality on another totally BS ICO)

Yup...I think that other article is how I found your blog. Thanks!

Just saw your Jsnip comment.. Hehe

As for throwing money around, a lot of people either weren't old enough in the 90's or just simply forgot what the "new economy" IPOs were like. Heady times when people wanted to get a quick buck.

True. Right now this is mostly a new generation of Millennial speculators that don't really know the history of numerous markets.

Thanks again. You might like my latest post in the series as well. It's on Clif High and some things that I've noticed that are worth having a look at.

Excellent article

Thanks a lot

Excellent shot.. says it all in one pic

Awesome post! I appreciate your perspective. Btw, any thoughts on how those in the shadows are playing this crypto market during the blood moon?

Thanks a lot. I assume they are just smashing and buying regardless of the moon cycles. The moon cycles just make people more emotionally unstable and therefore likely easier to flush out the weak hands.

It may very well be that the burning currency on the Economist cover is not just to symbolize the destruction of fiat currencies but also the destruction of all physical currencies. This would also explain the NULL symbol in the middle of the coin. NULL is a term used in computer programming specifically.

i thought i was the only with the strange idea theres something fishy about this project i

Thanks for this post. I've been thinking a bit about Clif High lately and whether or not he's leading a lot of people down the garden path to enslavement. He's such an affable guy who always seems to be laughing and has this "Yoda" (his own words) element to his character. He also appeals to misfits and talks about esoteric subjects with authority. There are so many elements to cryptocurrencies which have a dystopian tinge about them. Clif never looks at cryptos as a potential tool for enslavement. It's always couched in positives, freedom and warm laughter. I wonder about him!

Thanks for your comment and for thinking for yourself. I commend your willingness to question the typical blind following of Clif. Clif speaks of everything like he knows the answers for a fact. This creates a subconscious feeling in everyone listening that Clif is an expert on everything. He's not.

In regards to an underlying agenda, I really don't know if Clif is consciously or just sub-consciously Pied Pipering the masses into crypto while at the same time avoiding any of the real dangers. All I know is that he praises Freemasonry and his Templar family history and professes to practicing magick. All of these are very bad signs in my book.

All I can say for sure is that something is off with Clif regardless of the many people mindlessly lauding him with praise about how smart he is. Sure, Clif is no dummy. However, this also makes me very suspicious of both what he says and what he doesn't say. Clif avoids a lot and therefore appears to have a hidden agenda that he doesn't speak about. With Freemasonry and military intelligence (with his father) in his past, this makes me very cautious with anything that he gives out as supposed "facts" or recommendations.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

The trojan horse of crypto currency... They are trying to infiltrate the market... Unfortunately they may be successful because the pumpers and peoples greed will allow it. It's sad these people talk about freedom from the tyrannical govts and elite yet they'll pump this to make a buck...

Thanks again. You might like my latest post in the series as well. It's on Clif High and some things that I've noticed that are worth having a look at.

"You can hack any encryption if you have enough computing power and enough time."

You will be interested in Quantum Resistant Ledger (QRL)

Sounds interesting.. thanks for the tip

I will be writing some articles about quantum computing, their implications for cryptocurrencies, and how QRL aims to solve this!

good work

Thanks.. I need get around to a few more as well that are one my list for the most blatant symbolism

Thanks again. You might like my latest post in the series as well. It's on Clif High and some things that I've noticed that are worth having a look at.

I just lost over 350.00 investing in Pillar Token


what was your gwei set at and is it still in mining or did it get cancelled?

Serious question: do you think there are any "good" freemasons out there, and that there might be more than one? Personally, I believe that it is entirely possible. I'm not saying that such people might be involved with this, but I also can't say with 100% certainty that this venture is pure evil intent leached from the ether, either.

It depends on what you mean by "good." If you mean ignorant of the ultimate intent of the Freemasonic organizations, then yes. The vast majority of masons have no clue that there is a Luciferic agenda at the top. You need to be in the top echelons of the orders to get this understanding.

Whether there is actually a form of "white magick" that is not Luciferian and that a number of good people are trying to extract from within Freemasonry of some form or another, this is a different question that I can't really answer.

"all your data is centralized in one spot on a blockchain"
You know what a blockchain is, right?

Yes I do, but thanks so much for asking..

The point is even though the blockchain is distributed among numerous parties, it is centralized in the sense that it is publicly accessible all over the globe in one shared data store. In that regard, it's no different than cloud storage. If your data is instead in a single or multiple private hardware data stores, you don't have this issue because it could be anywhere and it's fully under your control. Regardless of what anyone wants to say, the blockchain is not impervious to serious computational power, plus since the government then knows that information is there, they can demand it if need be as well. Third point is that most people have no clue what is important data to keep private as it is, so if it's all in one place, then they will just get used to giving it out on a gradualism basis anyway. All in all, Pillar is just an NWO lie to get you to concentrate all your most private data for them - prepped and ready to be handed out.

(Oh, and by the way, no one is going to stop collecting your data because of Pillar even if it became illegal to do so. Pillar's sales pitch is a total f'n pipe dream. Maybe this is why they don't have any code yet either.)

-Creating this post as a placeholder. Ack, now I can't back out of responding -

Point 1: It is actually quite different from cloud storage services such as Dropbox -- a blockchain is copied across all computers running it, so if a bunch go down, it's still extant on those that survive.

Point 2: Of course blockchain technology isn't impervious and yes the government knows it's there, but at this point all they can do at worst is try to tax it, which would lead to a workaround.

Point 3: Not really a point. This isn't really our problem -- it's the individual's responsibility to be diligent with where they put their information.

It seems your whole premise lies on the idea that Pillar is untrustworthy and fundamentally up to no good, but even if that's true it does not mean that blockchain technology is also nefarious.

I'll unpack this more in a bit.

For future reference:

  1. I fully understand the difference between blockchain and cloud, my point is that it is similar to cloud in that your data is distributed and sitting out somewhere that you can't control - whether among a lot of unknown people or a number of cloud data centers.

  2. It's not about tax, it's about privacy of data in general since data is used to profile and target people. This is the most dangerous application whether the average person realizes it or not.

  3. Oh it is a problem. When enough sheeple finally give up their data, they will start coming after those that resist with an iron fist by labelling them as threats to society. The sheeple will then happily support it since they've already given in and don't want to have any troubles with the government themselves.

  4. I also notice that you didn't answer my last point about the data being collected regardless of a "Pillar-like" solution. It's a joke that this will stop any data collection, Pillar will instead just make it easier to centralize it.

  5. I've never said nor implied that blockchain is inherently nefarious. This is an interpretation solely from you. I suggest you stick to my direct statements without exaggeration. The only point that I am implying is that leaving all your most private data out on a publicly available blockchain (encrypted or not) just because it sounds convenient, is totally asinine. Blockchain technology is designed to be a public ledger not a secure location for storing all your most private data.

Sheeple confirmed.

This is from the "Key Terms" section of the Pillar Project Grey Paper, p9:

Atomic ownership of private keys means that personal data, currencies, and assets are not held or controlled by any third party. Only you have the keys to this data. If you lose your keys, your data or value is lost (there are several ways to help consumers manage their keys safely).

Accounts involve logging in and creating an account with a company you must trust to back up and safeguard your data, including credit-card info, passwords, etc.. If your account is compromised, you lose your data, identity, or value.

The former is the means that Pillar will use.

If you think about it, all of our data is already stolen and accessible by some powerful and toxic institutions and people. Wouldn't it be nice to at least be able to claim ownership of our personal data and manage it ourselves?

I do see part of your reasoning, really. Projects like Pillar are walking a fine rope by asking for users to trust in a service that manages their entire identity. But for the reason in the paragraph above, I don't see Pillar Project as worse than the current system. For one, the personal data locker software will be designed to work without human intervention other than whoever has access to a wallet's keys.

Oh by the way, Pillar is building a wallet, not a blockchain. This is from p14 of the Grey Paper:

In essence, a wallet is software that holds the private keys to your assets sitting on a blockchain. You transact by “signing” orders. The Pillar wallet will hold keys and let you transact with many blockchains, and it will eventually be the control panel you use to interact with the digital world. Using a wallet, there is no account. You hold the private keys to your cryptocurrency (bitcoin, ether, etc.) and you use cryptocurrencies or digital tokens to “pay as you go,” for the service using micropayments. The service may never know who you are.

If I've translated their vision correctly, personal information and physical assets will soon be represented in various ways (such as tokens) on blockchains, which will allow for very complex transactions and auditing to occur.

The Pillar Grey Paper can be found here.

You can obviously believe what you want from Pillar, but I've seen plenty to completely distrust them and their ultimate intentions. As much as most people don't want to believe it, there are a lot of modern day Pied Pipers out there that are selling solutions that people deeply want to believe are genuine. They play off people's inherent trust, emotions, and desire for a new direction. The only way that I know to sniff these Pied Pipers out is to read between the lines of what they are telling you. I've done that and I believe it's all just an empty sales pitch for a deeper NWO plan.

There will never be a data storage system that TPTB will not have access to. Just watched vid y'day of real ID and companies access to enable selling of the data, so it would just be giant FB with everything about you on it, and the network will continuously learn all new items, transactions of any kind, and they want this to be global. Vatican supports 'banking access' for the poor, so they will have 'greater access' to global economy. So we have to do it for the poor.

I fully agree, but trying to explain this to people is almost impossible because no one wants to hear it. Instead you've got lots of sheeple now screaming "hooray" for a crypto-based centralization of your data, even though if that was done elsewhere, they wouldn't like it at all. It's bonkers.