How a Forgotten Crypto Wallet Saved Me During Hardship

in pinetwork •  3 months ago 


I’m not a crypto guy. I’ve never been one. Sure, I checked out this whole cryptocurrency thing back in 2016 or 2017 when Bitcoin blew up. I learned a thing or two about blockchain technology—hard not to when the entire world was talking about it. Even IBM was in on it, launching products related to blockchain tech.

So, like many others, I jumped on the crypto train for a short while. I created accounts and wallets everywhere. I invested a few bucks in mining pools. I even made an account here and there, including one that I never actually used.

Fast forward to today. Where am I now?

Where Am I Now?

I officially quit my job last May. I had some savings and a head full of dreams. Big dreams—so big the sky itself felt too small. I wanted to build something meaningful, maybe even several things. I was motivated in a way I’d never been before, so I took a bold step.

I spent nearly everything and left myself with just $250—enough to get me through one month.

The Unexpected Hit Hard

That month didn’t end well. I didn’t account for life’s curveballs. My wife fell sick during her pregnancy. She couldn’t do much, and honestly, neither could I. I was running between hospitals, consulting doctors, and trying to keep my plans afloat all at once.

I stubbornly rejected gigs and jobs, believing I could ship my SaaS project on time. But life? Life kept kicking me while I was down. Eventually, I surrendered. I took a gig worth €2000, determined to wrap it up within a month, despite everything happening.

Life Ganged Up On Me

Out of nowhere, my landlord showed up demanding a year’s worth of rent. I thought he was joking. Just last year, he didn’t care about payments—I’d even offered him a full year’s rent, and he shrugged it off. This time, he cornered me like never before.

I’d never borrowed money in my life, but I had no choice. I was working tirelessly while my wife’s pregnancy complications piled up, and my energy hit rock bottom.

The gig’s payment was expected on September 15th. I was so close to wrapping it up. But on September 7th, disaster struck again. My wife was hospitalized with severe bleeding—she was only seven months along. My world stopped.

On September 14th, I borrowed the rent money from three friends to keep the landlord off my back. I thought the worst was behind me. I was wrong.

Nothing Goes As Planned

My wife gave birth prematurely. Our little daughter arrived in the seventh month. She was in danger, and so were we. Thankfully, after two weeks of uncertainty, things stabilized. But by then, I was penniless, scraping together whatever I could. My bank balance? A devastating -6000$.

A few days later, the client paid half of the gig. I immediately repaid one of the friends who lent me money, asking him to send back $250 in local currency so I could keep things going. But as luck would have it, his account got suspended. The bank froze the funds.

I felt like I died a little that day.

Thankfully, my friend transferred an equivalent amount from his own pocket. I was beyond grateful. That $250 arrived in my account, but life had yet another twist for me. I sent the money to a close neighbor for cash—only for him to tell me, hours later, the funds never reached his account.

At that moment, I genuinely thought I was cursed.

Some Crypto Wallet I Forgot About

One evening, I was chatting with my brother about his latest “big crypto idea.” I listened intently but didn’t think much of it. The next day, while scrolling through Google Keep for an old note, I stumbled upon a label: “Important.”

Curious, I clicked it. To my surprise, I found a list of links to old mining websites. I started checking them, one by one. Most were inactive—except one.

Using my Bitwarden password manager, I logged in and, lo and behold, there it was: a small amount of Ethereum sitting in an old account. I couldn’t believe it. I quickly converted it—$145.

For the first time in months, I felt something close to joy. But there was a problem—I only had the wallet address. No other details.

Searching for a Wallet

I spent that morning searching every wallet I’d ever created—Bitwarden, old hard drives, you name it. Nothing matched. Hope was slipping away until I stumbled upon a wallet I couldn’t access.

I searched for hours, desperately digging through old files, trying passkeys and codes, until finally—I logged into my wallet. My brother and I immediately began the process of moving the funds.

We transferred the Ethereum to my Binance account, where I quickly converted it to USDT. From there, I sold it on Binance’s P2P market, trading it for my local currency.

Minutes later, the money was in my account.

I’ve made twenty times that amount in my career, but I don’t remember ever being that happy about money. It felt like a blessing.

PI Network: The Unexpected Hope

On my way back from prayer recently, I randomly remembered PI Network. It’s something I used to “mine” on my phone ages ago. Curious, I checked its value on the market: $54 per coin.

I nearly collapsed from excitement. I recalled having around 200 coins—or so I thought.

I rushed home, downloaded the PI app, logged in, and... boom. I had 2800 PI.

I thought I’d struck gold. My wife was excited. My little son started dancing.

But when I checked Binance and Dex, reality hit hard: PI Network isn’t listed yet. Its mainnet is still private. Some trades exist elsewhere, but they’re risky. According to community comments: “It’s worthless for now.”

The good news? PI Network has plans to launch its mainnet in January 2025. Until then, all I can do is wait.

A Lesson in Gratitude

The last few months have been some of the hardest of my life. I was tested in ways I never thought possible. But this forgotten crypto wallet reminded me of something important:

Sometimes, the smallest, most unexpected blessings come at just the right moment.

I don’t know what the future holds, but I’ve started to embrace this crypto world a little more. Who knows—maybe it’ll surprise me again.

If you’re curious about PI Network, you can start mining on your phone. Use my link to boost your mining rate, and I’ll keep you posted on updates as I learn more. When you register in the app use the code "mohessaid" as your referral. I am locking the whole thing to boost my mining speed for me and for my circle.

For now, I’ll keep pushing forward—just as I always have.

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