Philippine Corruption and Penalty for the Corrupt

in pinoy •  5 years ago  (edited)

Removing the corrupt as a penalty for plundering the people's money is not enough. Filipinos express their emotion and opinion about the Philhealth mafia fraud incidence. Philippine Corruption is still as bad as it was Seven Years ago.

PhilHealth Mafia Scandal

The Fraud in PhilHealth is the hottest one from social media news now. For twenty years the corrupt officials have manipulated the PhilHealth and became rich. The people had suffered enough that the agency was almost bankrupt too.

Should the government Apply the Law and Justice?

To give them the just punishment for their greedy desires to plunder the wealth of our country. Some said that the government should try and convince those that stole the funds to give back the people's money or cancel their benefits from retirement.

Corrupt officials are like the dogs of society who are taking the hard-earned people's money. Some of those corrupt officials use the stolen funds to fund their own agenda in the election campaign and win the people's will. They pay for the votes just to be installed as government officials.

We should urge the legislative judiciary government to initiate pass a new kind of bill that includes a new kind of law and order to clean our country from corruption. Blockchain should solve that issue if the government supports our voice towards it. Remember that not all of those who enter the government is there for public service. The Law must be implemented for all of the Filipino People regardless of status Rich or Poor. All of the corrupt officials must be put to justice regardless of position from the top to the lowest level in the government.

The punishment should be implemented so that the next generation won't follow their footstep.

If Proven Corrupt:

  1. Not to be protected by the law nor be defended nor reinstated by any power until due.
  2. Not to be allowed to run in any government position as a punishment.
  3. Not to be given any benefits that they are supposed to receive from the government.
  4. They should be Imprisoned like any other criminals who broke the law of a country.
  5. They should return the stolen funds from the government so that the poor people will benefit from the stolen money.
  6. They should be punished according to the Philippine law and justice system.

If the Corrupt Official can't comply:

  1. Then the government should confiscate their assets.
  2. Accept harsh punishments such as life imprisonment or the death penalty if worse.
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