How does pinterest earn money?

in pinterest •  6 years ago 


Social media means to our Bangladeshis, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. But if the question is, what is the world's fastest growing social network at the moment? Surely many people will fall into the trap. Because the answer is not one of the three mentioned. Rather, it is a pinterest (Pinterest).

Yes reader has taken a very special position in the social networking world with more than 100 million regular users and 11 billion US dollars worth of pintrests. It is believed that the most promising online start-up of recent times Where else other social networking media has flown into the pavement, Pintersthey has emerged with a completely natural idea.pinterest-4-600x354.jpg
But just because Pinterstest is very different from other social media, and how they became such a big value company - it is a big secret to many. Most of the search for this mystery is often solved by Google's search engine. So Google's most commonly asked question list is 'how pinterest works' and 'how pinterest makes money'.

As mentioned earlier, PinTest is a social networking feature. Its basic idea of ​​what it does, its nomenclature. Pin and interest, these two have been formed in combination with Pinestest. That is, a web and mobile application for pinting the internet users to keep them interested in interest or interest. Pinestest

Interestingly, here's a picture or web content that's meant to be interesting. You can do exactly that work on your cell wall, such as a picture, poster, or quote post you like, in digital format. Pinstest is a visual and advanced system of bookmarks that can be found in various web browsers. All your pinned content will be stored in your wallet, and the content that you click on it will appear in its original and genuine form in the same or different tab.

Pintrest does not have any specific target group. It is equally popular for all ages, all the profession, all sex people. In order to run on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, you need to have an interest in specific topics, such a 'specific' interest is not required in Pintersthe. It's just an interest. Anything that interests you can pin your hair.
So far, millions of Pintrest users have pinned in billions of billions of diverse content. Starting from various types of online products, interior design, architecture, fashion design, tour planning, tutorials, fan art, fan fixtures or any current picture or web link - all are listed on the list of Pintrested Pinned Content.

Basically, the speed of Pintrest is so fast that it is not that their subscription is limited to a particular range. Instead, if they preferred to attract a particular class, its use could have reduced by at least one-third. As a result, the disease took their source of income.

The source of this income is our next interest. In fact, since the start of the journey in 2010, Pintrest is following a web social catalog business model. Initially, it was a confusion about which genre website, but Pinterast did not have to wait too long to get recognized as a social networking platform.

Currently, other social networking features of the Pinestest Business model, as well as the convenience of e-commerce, cataloging and content assets. As a social media platform, its other competitors (Facebook, Snapchat etc), such as Pinterstest has also developed an advertising revenue model, which makes users really benefit from this website. Although the company has huge possibilities in front of this company, it is still unable to utilize the effectiveness of all sources in the revenues generation. However, it can be assumed that they have considered the story of rabbits and turtles as their inspiration.

Pinterstest is a catalog, where PINs can be shared and shared. Registered users can save any PIN available on the web here. It is also possible to upload these pins directly, as well as save with browser extension. Pinboards are also available for saving pins in the same place. According to the category, the pins are sported in one place, and the business pins are in another place - in this way pins are stored on different vin pinsboards.
There is also a purchase of Purchaseable Pins, just like on Facebook and Twitter. Pintersthe has a 'bye' button, which allows users to order any product of choice directly from Pinestrate, without accessing a merchant's website. And for this, there is no extra charge from Pinestest merchants.

There is also a promotor pin, and this is still the biggest source of income for Pintrest. With a demographic analysis of what type of content the user pins, or what they visit more than any other type of website, the search engines do more, the pintrest automatically pins the same advertisements or paid content in the user's feed, so that the income Is the pinestest.

Without a visit to their website until 013, Pintersthe was not the source of any income. But then they add the Promotional Pin feature. And now they are able to earn a lot of money through such paid pins. In addition to this, if the Pinestest itself becomes an e-commerce site altogether, then it will probably be surpassed by Alibaba or Amazon.

Like other social media, people can not communicate with the use of printers, yet its popularity is undoubtedly enviable. The results of a poll conducted by Millward Brown Digital said that 96% of the people who used Printstest in the last six months until April this year were the main goals of research or data collection. Also, 93% of the people used to buy something, and 87% of people used to decide what they would buy. Pinestest.

According to the increase in the number of members, Pinistest is actually the fastest growing website in the world. Through Facebook and other social networks, where the rate of user growth can never exceed the single digit in a year, new users are increasing every year in Penticton by 50%.
Pintrest's unthinkable success can be illustrated for any start-up. Seeing the success of social media like Facebook, Twitter, similar social networks have created a lot in the future, but they have never been able to outsmart Facebook, Twitter. Because when there is too much of the same conception, the interest of people is rarely born. Pinterast is very different from anywhere. It is also a social media medium, but in terms of functionality, it's a totally different from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.

Since it started its journey from a very natural idea, so easily it has managed to attract the attention of the public, so it has not even reached its thorns. So new start-ups should understand, the days of realization of the concealed concept are now over. If you want to survive in the competition, you will have to come up with a whole new idea, otherwise you will have to die in the form of chronic darkness.

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