in pioneers •  6 years ago 

The link below is a post I did about a month ago. It is about the miles of rock walls that were built by the pioneers who first settled this area.



These walls have been disappearing as the bounty for taking them down and selling them has caught on fire.

The farmers in this region are selling these rocks to bidders for as little as $25 a pallet.

By the time they get to market these pallets of stone are being sold for $250 - $300.

It is a shame to see the destruction of these monuments left by earlier settlers.
It is also a shame that the farmers are getting ripped off in the process.
For most of the dairy farmers left in this region, times are tough.
I understand that the farmers need to do whatever they must in-order to make ends meet, but that doesn't make this situation any less sad.
Here is an outfit that is removing stone walls from the area.


They next time you drive by a house with retaining walls made with stones, they may have come from this area.

Like anything else, if demand continues, all of these artifacts of long ago will vanish.😢😢😢


Hope you enjoyed! thebigsweed.

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I’m already anti-dairy @thebigsweed. This just gives me another reason. I hate to see history sold off to the highest bidder too sir. Good morning from LA.

Reminds me of the retaining walls my buddy Phest and his wife built all around their 1/4 acre property up high in the mountains at Rim Of The World near Crestline.

They bought the joint near condemned nearly 15 years ago and it’s a masterpiece now. There’s many of those retaining walls around their plot, the driveway, the road, etc. I remember his wife getting all kinda buff and ripped during those wall building days, she used to get embarrassed when I would say something about how buff she was.

Maybe it will make it more special to see them as remnants of times gone by as they become more rare? Looking for the silver lining.

You have some on your property that will be safe right?

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Howdy sir bigsweed! man, I hate to see that too. I wouldn't have thought they would have to do that to survive. What a shame. Do you have any on your property? If not I think I'd buy some and rebuild them on my property.

I do have about 100 yards of stone wall on the property.
Many times as a large farm was cut into pieces for resale, these walls would establish some of the new boundaries.

howdy today sir bigsweed! well sir, I can see how that would work and make great boundaries. The stones are local from a nearby quarry?