Sharing Some Articles Of Awareness About How Oil/Gas/Frack Industry Is Sick, Trying To Make Money Even If It Means Ruining Ecosystems And Culture

in pipelines •  6 years ago  (edited)

Oh here's an article I forgot to add to this post, it's the the main issue, might as well begin with this -

You can read the propaganda in the papers pushing for pipelines. It's brainwashing, lies. Scary to know the fuel industry is what much of the wars in the world are about. These companies and governments just don't know how to leave people alone it seems. It's time for a wakeup call. They are trying to push the lines through lands that would impact the local culture and natural surroundings. The people there are peaceful, respectful rightful stewards. I don't want to say too much, more to overview the articles. These people speak for themselves.

Here is an article about the politician, leader of the NDP in Alberta Canada says in the media trying to push the pipeline agenda through using scare tactics and misleading information.

It is from the National Observer

Now compare that to their little propaganda campaign website. It's gross negligence.

The Prime Minister Trudeau says how he wants to be all about reconciliation and peace with First Nations yet he supports this pipeline, in fact the government bought it. When you look at the whole picture it can be quite enraging.

They say they need these pipelines which transport fuel done by fracking in order to have enough money to invest in the environment! Double speak at it's finest! It's awful. There may be a few yuppies who fall for it, yet we all know global warming is a real deal, we can use that in the narrative, to occupy the law, make sure those policies don't exist that try and stomp over any one, group or ecosystem in the name of money greed.

This next articles are real, shows you exactly what's going on. Also these governments and companies try to move in and harass when members of the community are feeling ill and vulnerable. Big Brother watches like a vulture, we must have all our eyes on this situation. Make sure the international community can see it. Read for yourself.

This has been going on for a few hundred years, it's very upsetting, yet the time is now to be fully aware, not let this sort of behaviour go on from big industry and government.

They (Government Document) are even trying to call them names by saying the Chiefs of the Clans of the territories in question are led by an Aboriginal Extremist They are desperate for the pipeline. Willing to twist the narrative. This next article addresses this.

It amazed me how stark the story is, how rude the government and these corporations really are. It is a scary situation in Northern B.C. right now. If you want to show support and solidarity you can sign a pledge. This is a post from on Facebook -

SIGN AND SHARE: We Pledge to Stand with Unist'ot'en!!!

The Unist’ot’en camp is currently on high alert. Coastal GasLink Pipeline's application for an injunction will be heard on Monday December 10.

The injunction application and civil lawsuit ignores the jurisdiction and authority of Wet'suwet'en hereditary chiefs and feast system of governance. It is also counter to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Sign and share the pledge. Let Unist'ot'en Camp know they are not alone. We are watching across the province, country and internationally.

Thank you for reading this. I want to spread awareness before this injunction. Get the story to go viral, share the articles on your social media, spread some awareness. They should leave these people alone! Fracking is very dirty, the politicians lied and the whole pipeline is a farce! It's ugly. We must fight back and support in a show of solidarity.

There is also a rally on the 10th in Vancouver and a few other cities in Canada. Leave a comment if interested, I could find out where they are at

All the best, may they succeed and keep the pipelines out for good

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Great politics. I like it this Post. I appreciate your valuable content. thanks for sharing this.

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