Instead of hating, Try understanding!
There is no reason for hate.
Instead of doing the easy thing and hate, We try to understand the hate.
Is it really hate or something we just don’t like? Big difference.
There are things and people in life we have no control over.
But we do have control over how we react and feel towards those things and people.
It’s alright not to like something.
Not liking something doesn’t control how we live our life every day.
It doesn’t affect our emotions and life.
But hate will affect us.
Hate controls how we live our life every day.
It affects our emotions and life.
Understand our hate.
Take back the control hate has taken from us.
When we do, we take control of our life.
Life is too short to hate and dead is a long time.
Enjoy our life, not hate our way through it.
Do you agree? Give us your thoughts in the comment section.