A Pit Bull Attacked a Sage of AAWISDOM

in pit-bull •  3 years ago 

A Pit Bull Attacked a Sage of AAWISDOM

A stupid bitch pit bull fucked around with me. I jogged around the neighborhood as usual and that bitch appeared from behind a parked car. Lowlife bitch tried to scare me and fuck around coming close barking and gnarring. I had to transform into a war mode involuntarily, although I was just going slow reserving my energies to gradually warm up to go into high-level training. A car stopped by and observed trying to be helpful but he wouldn’t dare come out, but a guy said wow when he realized that I scared the dog when I transformed. I was telling myself “kill that bitch if she comes close”. I despised stupid dogs sneaking around on streets like that. I continued my jogging thinking that must have been a stray dog, not knowing it’s just from two houses away. Then I saw it bothering, gnarring, and even went close bumping around into a fat lady on the street corner. She was terrified. I thought it’s her dog but when I went close and saw what’s happening, I defended her. A car stopped by and took her for a ride seeing she was not safe on foot with that dangerous dog. That dog got scared of me again and ran with the car, pretending to be chasing it. Fucking dog lied to herself or comforting herself pretending to be chasing the car from being scared of me… I continued my jogging and came back around to that corner, that bitch waited for me in a dark ally and charged towards me.

Amazing lowlife bitch probably contemplated all incidents and tried to boost her courage up to fuck around with me again. Smart dog would know better to stay away… None of my emotions even changed when that bitch was charging towards me. I was carful for that bitch might try a takedown, which was my concern. Smart dogs or trained attack-dogs go for a takedown and go for a neck. My Skyway Fist was ready and charged up in case it would go for it. Stupid dog didn’t know how to attack so it stopped the charge near me but came snapping. I have no patience to lowlife dogs like that who wanted to fuck around. I kicked but missed. That bitch kept the close distance still. I concentrate deeper and execute another one sending her head backward. Several dogs who ate my kicks always retreated but that dumb annoying bitch was amazingly stupid. I was surprised it wasn’t KO. I am sure it hurt a lot or her jaw could be broken… It wouldn’t dare to stay in close range anymore but wanted to fuck around at distance about ten feet away gnarring and barking. When I chased, it ran around like a bitch into an ally but when I retreated it came back fucking around at that distance again. I won’t give my back. I moved back retreating facing it. I realized this was a dangerous dog and decided to teach that bitch a huge lesson. I ran to my home getting a stick and a katana. I would just bash that bitch with a stick not to fuck around with humans but if she tried her luck, her head would come off… Sure as hell, as soon as I was back in that corner area, that bitch came charging again, but wouldn’t come closer than 10 feet anymore. I just wanted to take whack at that stupid bitch but stupid bitch was running around barking barking not coming close. I told myself to just get a telephone and call an animal control now that I know it’s staying around there. It would not let me leave. This time I gave my back to her to try her luck. It charged again but stupid dog was smart to keep her head for she wouldn’t dare coming closer than ten feet. If my katana unsheathe, she won’t know what hit her and where her head goes… Then I saw two kids came calling their dogs. Amazing stupid people! After about 40 minutes their dog was terrorizing people on the street they wouldn’t do anything. They probably saw everything from the inside the house enjoying the show. I yell at them to keep it on leash...

I know that bitch would try her luck again if those idiots let her roam around. I felt that I spent so much energies transforming myself three times in just 40 minutes when I got back home. I contemplate and I will be going for combo kicks next time-- it seemed it didn’t learn and it’s a sneaky vengeful lowlife bitch anyway. When I got back in my backyard, I did my meditating session with katana right next to me. I told myself to have no hesitation and mercy and go for a kill right away if that bitch appear in my backyard and charge at me.

A lesson learned: my kicks aren’t trained to kick a dog that height. I missed one and it wasn’t KO… It’s a tough dog. Next time I kick a dog, I will be going for multiple kicks and a kill. I did once when three dogs attacked me in a Prospect Park, Brooklyn, NY. I missed that first kick, but I went for a second one and landed. Stupid dog screamed and ran and all others followed. One time on Ramsey Field at Buffalo, NY, a husky charged and did a takedown from my behind when I was running around with a little girl on my shoulder. Stupid dog ran into a wall when I didn’t even budge from his sneaky takedown. If I were alone, I would have been very pissed, but I had a girlfriend, and other kids as company that day so I couldn’t be pissed off. The same day, a huge group of dogs came and attacked that little girl when she was running around the field by herself. I knew they would do that and I was prepared this time. She reached to the other side of the field and they went charging at her. I ran all the way from the other side of the field and reached to her before them-- believe it or not. All of them turned back as soon as I was next to her.

My training is ascending very well. Most trees I hit consistently before in my life died. However, I learned pecan trees are very hard. It is living so far although it is pinched up and leveled out in the spot I have been hitting. I learned it is a hardwood tree because huge 5 inches nails I tried to bang in bent so badly to make a pull up bar on that tree. David Jeffery has a memorable video of me hitting it and also that pinched deformed area where I hit regularly. David was here… I plan to make video documentations of my training ascensions before the summer ends. Anyone wants to see them quickly, let me know. I will put them up quicker for you. That tree shakes and pecans start to fall when I kick. I couldn’t make it shake last year… I am hitting an iron board for an Iron Palm/fist training. My knuckles bled and palm hurt before about two months ago. Now that thick heavy iron board makes a devastating clashing/shaking sound like a sledgehammer is hitting it from my palm and fist strikes. For climbing training, I climbed on three trees and cut them down. My climbing abilities are coming back, but still not strong and good like when I was 13 years old. I lived on trees then. My throwing training is coming by but not in battle-ready mode yet. Throwing knives to go straight and not spin is very difficult and required a lot of energy and concentrations. When I have so much strength, energies, and internal force charged up, I could get about 90% of the throws land on point even from 20 feets-- 15 feet is optimum for me so far. I couldn’t get even 5% to land on point when I am tired or not charged up. I see that I will need to be highly alert, charged up, and strong in order for throwing to be useful at all. I doubt its usefulness in ad-hoc battles, but I will keep training it as time permits for its difficulty aroused my responsiveness to a challenge. Sword training, I still adhere to Japanese ways or Akijitsu Samurai ways but I am developing my own paths as I contemplate my weaknesses. Steven Danette taught me to be loose and agile on feet. I infuse Letwhyte ways or Myanmar ways of fighting into Japanese Samurai ways in swords. Japanese ways are that you have to be extremely alert, fast, planted feet, and perfect all the times-- at least those are the principles. Myanmar ways in fighting is based on the principles that human beings are not perfect, will make mistakes, are weak, and can’t be fast all the times. I won’t get into all the details here. Believe me when I say my soul is fusing into swords I hold. That’s a high-end goal in all swordsmen. To infuse your soul into a sword and become one…

Anyone wants to fight me, welcome. I fight anyone for fun. I repeat ANYONE! I don’t care UFC champ or 8 feet tall huge monster. I am not pursuing MMA because its sport-like rules interfere with my real-combat trainings and my life. It wastes my time/money. Here is what I say to them: MMA fighters are gym-rat lowlife cowards anyway. Fight lowlife gangsters on the streets like me at real wars if you want to be real martial artists. Come out of your hiding gyms. Train at public places, challenge and be challenged. I can adjust my training into sport-like ways like I did in the past, but I would just run into another lowlife coward who would keep pulling himself out of fight and waste my time. The whole fucking MMA business is a joke. Rules are not clearly set until the night before the fight. The contract is made ridiculously only a few days before or even at the night before the fight. Still, a ridiculous lowlife weakling idiot with no honor can injure himself (intentionally or lying) and pull himself out of the fight and waste my time. I won’t get paid. I learned that there are so many lowlifes without honor in the world. It happened to me numerous times in pro fights, and personal challenges or duels. Just getting the miserable lowlifes to keep their words to show up at the appointed time had been impossible so far. When I didn’t video-record there were all kinds of lowlife sneaks who would like to try their lucks from the shadows. I grew smart in my life and tried to start video recording the fights, duels, and even training some non-honorable idiots. No one wanted to fight anymore. Lowlife who can’t/won’t show up at appointments; lowlifes who would run around all over and call it fighting; they won’t sit down and define the rules clearly. I can describe many other features of lowlife martial artists. Those are the types of martial artists in the world nowadays.

-Christopher McGrath

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